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Authorbeing able to market while traveling
I wish we could do market research or marketing while traveling. All those in favour say "AYE"
no, it might think u are buying some items on ambush
terenganu you don't make sense, please don't spam my fine suggestion!
Good idea, I dont think it make sense to wait and look at the picture for 2 minutes, doing nothing. You can get ambushed while checking market, as well as during writing at forum. So it wont change the game mechanism.
I agree. Good idea.

I don't see why all the other functions are restricted. Only function I see that should be restricted is the inventory equip.
well it has no logic how are u working on the market and moving at the same time what your hero has a laptop ?
yeahh .. this idea honestly does not make any sense but still a good idea coz we are bored when we just see pictures of travelling .. ^^ forgive me no offense .. ^^
a good idea 2 take time is maybe a mini game ?
A mini-game is a bit too much to ask, but giving access to market shouldnt be much of a problem to program.

Doesnt make any sense? Laptop? Again this e-bay thinking, who said you cant trade when traveling? You can meet thiefs, you can meet merchants as well. There is no problem for my imagination in this. When you can play roulette, when you dont have to be in the same location as the seller when buying things, then you dont have to be dedicated to such a strict logic. We are talking about ability to trade while traveling, so let me make it simple:

1.Why yes?: You can make the traveling short while checking the market.
2.Why no?: Because you might not notice you are in ambush. Because the intention of restrictions might as well be the simple thing, that you become so bored while traveling, that you play roulette on the way.
When talking about logic, you can work in one location and hunt somewhere else in the same time. I dont think your boss will like you very much when you come to work and then go for 50 minutes to some forest in your working hours.
enroll while in battle :) thats what i want
I wish we could do market research or marketing while traveling.

brilliant idea. a MUST! one of the very few irritating things in the game will be removed with the ability to browse the market while travelling. it just stands on it's way to perfection.

Why no?: Because you might not notice you are in ambush.
i disagree and i'll tell you why: you might not notice the ambush while you read your mail or browse the forum while you travel as well. absolutely no difference if you check the market - the game header titles just turn red plus the sound for the ambush event...

another reason is that enabling market while travelling keeps much more players _in_the_game_page_. travelling is boring and we just switch to another tab or leave the browser for 2-3 minutes. this way the potential thief gets only AFKers, and ambushed players get a (half-)missed battle. (maybe the only exception are those love to stare at a single static screen for a couple of minutes xD).

third reason: enabling market while travelling will lead to a reduced flood, horseplays and ridicules in the forum. many players (including me) go to the forum just because they have nothing else (sensible) to do while struggling to not leave the site and go AFK in these boring minutes.
Great those are my arguments too, Georgia. Well said.

Thanks all those in favour. Anyone else agree?
i think Georgia is 100% right on all points
A laptop?.. Are you insane? Have you never heard of wandering traders, who travel from town to town pitching their wares? Well I support this idea 100% and as for number 2.. Why would it matter if you were trying to buy items during an ambush?? It's not like we are asking to have the INVENTORY opened up so we can equip the items that we buy...

Great Idea =]
What's the point of travelling in the first place?
I vote that we take off travelling and be able to go to anywhere we want instantaneously (is that how you spell it?).
I mean, you could also reason that you could do a battle while travelling because sometimes while you're travelling you might meet neutrals on the way and have to battle them.
I'm just curious to know why we have travelling in the first place. (And sorry for hijacking this suggestion.)
I won't have an opinion until we know the purpose of travelling.
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