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AuthorDictionary thread
This is the thread for me or others that doesn't know some kind of words may ask the others..

Can anybody tell me what the meaning of retard?
it is like somebody with a mental disabilaty. a common insult, not always taken seriously though. and when being called it, not alot of people take a major offence to it since it is a mental disabilaty.
Retard is an offensive term meant to insult someone. It is used to mean that their brains is underdeveloped for their age.

You can google their meanings, instead of asking here, you know?
It's faster....xD Hi snow Queen if u play aveyond u will find her she's evil xD 3ID
Pronunciation: \ri-`tärd\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow

Transitive verb

1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : impede
2 : to delay academic progress by failure to promote

Intransitive verb
: to undergo retardation

1 a holding back or slowing down : retardation
1 often offensive : a retarded person ; also means: a person held to resemble a retarded person in behavior

Synonyms - delay


Pronunciation: \ri-`tär-dəd\
Function: adjective

sometimes offensive : slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress

If you mean Retarded (as in a person)
What Aveyond? >_> never heard of it...

Any similarities of my nick with any fictional or real personalities is completely coincidental.

Eh, takesis, your definition is overkill lol :O

Eh, takesis, your definition is overkill lol :O

2005 sure of that! 8O
It's faster
definately not
It's faster
definately not

definitely is...
for Terengganu:
nah, because you need to wait for reply. a dictioary, even an online dictionary is much faster :p
Takesister.......you should apply for OXFORD...............

for Terengganu:
nah, because you need to wait for reply. a dictioary, even an online dictionary is much faster :p

maybe but i want to know which aren't in the dictionary

Takesister.......you should apply for OXFORD...............

200% sure!

What Aveyond? >_> never heard of it...

A game

Any similarities of my nick with any fictional or real personalities is completely coincidental.

well, u are bad tempered, u have Shrews etc
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