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Authorfunny things about presents
1. Did you know a feminine character can enter a combat with a flower bouquet? Mind your head! You give her flowers and she throws them onto your head. "Let's make peace, not war!" :)

2. Did you know a feminine character can enter a combat with her little bottle of parfume? Mind your eyes! You offer her a little bottle of expensive parfume and she uses it to blind you! "The woman's weapon is seduction, the man's weapon is patience." :)

You can continue... :)
a diamond ring will make your troops faster! not much, though still faster

Yeah, they are running after the reward in diamonds! :)

...or they are running away from getting engaged... :) (which one do you prefer?)
A happy woman is more dangerous than an angry one!
the bouquet of female happiness says that!

That I didn't know it. Thanks for warning! :)
Did you know that the male will protect his female with a def. dagger but also can atk the female 2?

Yeah, something like "give me my diamond ring back!" :)
But if the woman also have bouquet of female happiness gifted by you then?

Yeah, something like "give me my diamond ring back!" :)

That's funny xD
Thanks! That's the idea about this thread: to make people smiling! So, let's continue! Any other idea(s)? :)
Do you know y are the treefolks dangerous? They all have an 'Aroma of Spring' bouquet!
Better give your love a 'Delight' and the heart of flower coz when you get angry they will use it as a shield so you wont hurt her...
Do not but the other half! Else when you and you mate are in love combat, you might hit too hard accidentally!
Do not buy a diamond pendant for your girl else they might go too fast and tackle you at your body when they dash to you for a hug, dealing critical(2x) damage!

Or, do not give a woman a diamond ring because she might run away with it without you being able to catch up with her! :)
Obviously having half of a Stone pendant is lucky i mean broken love is really lucky :D
A happy woman is more dangerous than an angry one!
Obviously, you have not met an angry woman before :)
12# and 13#

And when u finally catch up with her she will get a morale boost and run away forever and ever and ever and ever..... did i mention ever and ever forever.
2. Did you know a feminine character can enter a combat with her little bottle of parfume? Mind your eyes! You offer her a little bottle of expensive parfume and she uses it to blind you! "The woman's weapon is seduction, the man's weapon is patience." :)

there is one small problem men can use the item to so all women have to watch out or else!!!!

So, I shouldn't chop her bouquet with my mighty sword or she will become angry and kill me instantly! :)

Now dilema: If I see a woman with a flowers bouquet, should I be a gentlemen and let her win with the risk of being blocked (by breaking the game rule)?
A happy woman is more dangerous than an angry one!
Obviously, you have not met an angry woman before :)

Ice queen would know that ;D

Do you know why women are dangerous? Yeah, They tell u to marry them and them they took the diamond ring to fight some Men in PvPs.

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