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AuthorRepairs & durability
Currently players can only repair arts when it hits 0/xx; it would be nice to be able to repair even before that. This way, a person can plan/schedule repairs/allocate resources accordingly. Am not sure about other players but I've been caught with (all) arts running down to 0 at the same time and couldn't do much thereafter but wait for the repairs.

Just a suggestion :)
Dont really think its usefull to repair arts before they are at 0/xx

If you want to solve the problem that you have to repair everything at once, its better that with a higher smiths guild, you can repair more artifacts at the same time or make a waiting list
Don't agree with this idea.

the problem you said can be solved easily:
1) Ask the smith repair your arts first, maybe you pay full repair cost or more.
2) Sell your old art in your inventory, then buy a new one, this won't cost too much golds.
I don't see the point :)
If it's a simple artifact you want 'repaired' instantly go for sell/buy option :)
If it's something rare and/or enchanted you don't want to waste durabiity points anyway (by repairing before it's broken) but even if you do - smiths offer semi-immediate repair for a slightly higher price.
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