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AuthorElf and ambush
I am an elf, how to settle my troops is the best? Most of my troops are shooters, I want to cover my elven bowmen, but I can only spilt my troops to 8 stacks, but I stand in the middle of the battlefield, I can't cover it. So, those troops that have good high speed and initiative can attack my bow at first like rogue and vampire. Hope you all can teach me:)
but I can only spilt my troops to 8 stacks
wow, can you teach me that trick? i cant get more then 7 stacks

and elves being ambushed haha, thats a joke, no chance at all unless you travel with full arts. I would suggest you to travel without arts, and if you dont need the exp, travel with 1 unit

there are two options:
1. protect your archers only against large creatures by forming a square of 4 druid stacks surrounding your archers;
2. use your elven bowmen as bait (maximize your fk and sprites and minimize elven bowmen enough only to appeal your attacker).

i prefer the last one.

most of the thieves have arts on them, but no full arts, so, travel either full arts, or without any art and troop on yourself. in the second case, if some monks will joining you, you will receive more experience than your opponent, but you won't waste too much time during the combat. :D

sven91, i know you are a moderator and i respect your knowledge about this game, but these don't give you any right to be ironic with the players in the public places like this. especially with frustrated players who post their question to learn something and not to be publicly ridiculed. maybe the player here just made a typo when he wrote 8 instead of 7.
it wasnt ironic
As an elf before level 8 you dont have any chance at all
At level 8 you get unicorns (large creatures) and if you split them in 2 stacks, you can cover your bomwen, but before level 8
There is nothin that can prevent you from losing, except wearing full arts, and being lucky that you choose the right corner during the setup
**the ironic about the amount of stacks where he made a typo, ah well,
Sorry if i offended anyone with it =(
generally people place their bows in one corner and troops on 2 other sid eso as seven sadi choosing the right corner is important btw if u r an elf travell with less bows as3 said to put a bait also take max efk fk and sprites that helps a lot

look in my combat log and you will see there are chances. actually, at mid level 7 i started to "hunt" the thieves. of course, i had the advantage of the efk's. :)

but you were right, i was almost full arts (only one art missing) and i wasn't 100% successful.

about your strategy, it may be correct, but for a defensive purpose. i prefer a more aggresive strategy. it's a matter of preferences here. :)
correct its upon ur fighting style as i would like to name it
oops, I type the wrong number, 7, not 8, just typo:)

As you said, choose the right corner is important, but how can I know where they place their troops, for example dark elf, they can place all their troops at all corner, because they are strong at melee attack.
So, travel with one unit and just let them win. They need to return their TGI u know. If they lose, they need to wait for an hour.
for 10:

if I am busy I will do that. But if I want to do that, I won't create this topic:)
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