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Authorhero should do like units
i think hero's damage should follow the unit's damage calculation (https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34)
not only that, they should be able to get a luck strike and morale burst

right now, no matter how high all their status are, it won't affect them at all (except for the basic damage stat, which calculated from who knows what and how). attack, defense, morale, luck -> only affect the units. initiative -> always set at 10. knowledge -> affect hero only. SP -> affect all

this would make the hero's turn more worth it. right now only barbs hero with combat school upgrade and magic build hero can be considered a 'high quality' turn
is this idea breach this rule?
7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.
closed by Empire (2009-02-25 20:25:12)
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