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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

not sure if this has ben suggested yet... i think we should have signatures every time we post in the forum. for those of you who don't know what a signature is... here is an example.

I think this is a great idea!
Kasim is the best!

Kasim is the best! would come upon every post i made. lots of forums have signatures so why not this one :)
and a signature can also consist of a picture
yes they could i forgot to mention that
i like the idea
let's forget about something else - the signatures and pictures. as you may have noticed, the forum look is designed to be simple and traffic saving. it's main purpose is to be informative, not variegated.
the queries and help foum is meant to be informative... the off game forum isnt that informative now is it ;)
and how will a signiture make the forum all variegated?
from now on i will post my own signatures then.
99% of all playabilty issues can be solved by you not sucking

joking ;)
...it's not easy to be lame. but at least is funny to read lame posts :}
ouch... im hurt :(
99% of all playability issues can be solved by you not sucking
Nice Idea

If you can't crush your enemies , then don't let them crush you.
Im for it

sry that's too philosophical xD


If you can't crush your enemies, then go stab them. xD
for Xerfer:

lol , you Xerfer

ok here my new


If u cant crush ur enemies let them hug u XDDD
But i wanted to say Openly that :-

I Like this Idea Very much.

But i wanted to know , that where our signatrures will be appeared ?
bottom of the post
the problem is since so many people have experienced lags on the server
then will having signatures worsen the condition?
ps:i am not complaining about the lagging servers and i noe the admins are already working very hard on it
i don't think so... its only a bit of text... no one complains about people writing long posts.

People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse that privilege.
i also liked this idea
Takes up space and picture loading time. I care NOT for it. If you want the same rubbish of your own at every post you vanity shines through...
closed by Empire (2009-02-25 20:01:05)
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