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Authorwhich faction have the hardest hunt?
which faction have the hardest hunt?
I disagree, at an early level necros find it hard but as they progress if you know what your doing you can win hunts that some DE cant win.

I would say demon.
are you sure he doesn't mean strongest?
I disagree :) Demon are rather good in hunts at least on low and mid levels. Necro are good for hunting poisoners, vampires.. that sort of monsters. But overall, I think they have it worst.

Then again, maybe it's balance if people can't agree on weakest faction :)
If he means hardest as strongest as in, best hunter - than it's elves and wizards with high faction skill. And DE w/shrews.

There, all questions possible answered :)
i would say it depends on the creature, for example, poisoners, wizards and necromancers cant be affected by poison (undead, mechanical and such), so there score is higher
And creatures with xxx magic shield, there wizards have lower scores
-which faction have the hardest hunt? Its all randomly progressed through the computer. So same.

-which faction find the hunt hardest? necro.

-which faction makes the best hunters? wizards
i disagree
wizard has advantage only versus high-level monsters(ignore defence). But if there a lot of goblins, for example, he is weak.
I think, no low and mid levels demons has a hardest hunt
demons have advantage against everything that shoot at range because you can gate close to them;)
and have disadvantage against units with unlimited retaliation :P
Who doesn't? :) 'cept wiz :P
Who doesn't? :)
ranged units, and units with no retaliation :P
as an elf i never had problems with modern golems xD
1000 of them was a green hunt =)
Well, there are 2 groups of hunters: elves and others =)
I think the Hardest(10+)are Knights and Barbs
its darkelf.

but when darkelf get lvl 8 and shrews then he is stronger
DE w/o shrews is far from weakest :/
DE without shrews is one off the worst hunters, just look at the top hunters for lvl 5, there is only one DE in the entire list, a 5th place vs elven bows. The fact that DEs don't have decent shooters and rogue's still take retal makes them probably the worst hunting class before level 8 (or 6 with diamonds)
The best hunter is demon on high lvl (look top 1 fights on russian server)
Top 1's main faction is elf.
for FasterThanWind:

You think demon is the best hunter because the top on ru is demon. Then answer me this.

Q. Have you ever seen a demon take on 70000 goblins.
A. No, only DE to date has.

Q. Have you ever seen demon take on 110 titans.
A. No, only mage to date can.

My point proven.
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