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AuthorNew Hunting Rule/Code
I think that I have stumbled across something that further makes changing factions a serious obstacle.

I was a necro once, then I was a Dark Elf for even longer, and am now a necro again. This is pretty much my story.

As a Dark Elf I was able to do many, many hunts, set many, many records, all thanks to the Shrew--and my ability to use it of course.

What is my problem today? Most of my hunts are virtually impossible to do on my own now because no matter how hard I try, a Necromancer simply cannot do what a Shrew (in the right hands of course) can do on the field.

So, my advice is simple:

Have the new code reset, or somehow keep track of, what gets done in what faction for each player...because sometimes there isn't anyone else (high level problem) there to help you. Now I see why so many folks have switched to dark elf on top since this 'change' was made.


er... so whats your suggestion?

btw, careful not to do violate this rule

7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.
There is nothing wrong with the faction balance :)

It is simply the hunt code making each hunt harder. Since I changed from Dark Elf to Necromancer, well, the power of the shrew is simply too high to overcome in NPC battles.

Don't get me wrong, there are battles I can do much more easily now as a Necro than as a dark elf. But for the most part, this is not the case.

You can run and dodge with shrews for a long time, but no such luck with necros, hence why most necro records are far lower than dark elf records.


Well, instead of your idea why not just having the shrews nerfed *asg*

Welcome to the real world WITHOUT shrews :P
why not just having the shrews nerfed *asg*

that's 1 thing i wouldn't mind :D

shrews with 6 speed ^^
you can always ask for assist or pass the hunt if you cant solo it :)
Example: Level 10 Barb with however many faction points decides to try a new faction, Demons.
Too bad though, cause demon faction level zer0
has very little chance to beat what is presented to the former Barbarian.

--have hunts scale to faction history, not overall history--

I have no idea how this could be implemented, the coding involved
(foes count calculated based on the faction history)
codes would need to be added to keep track of this, and also somehow figure out the 'current' faction/hunt experience of allready high level players

If this is what youre thinking limu, i support
^^ There will always difficult time (levels) for each faction.

>>> In ur case, can do easier if first hunt with necro then switch to DE.
I'm against the idea. One of the things I like about the game is how some factions are better at doing some things compared to other factions. That means that you have to carefully think about doing hunts or quests if you intend to use them to train your faction skills. Having separate hunt and quest counters for each factions would remove this strategy part of the game. It's your fault if you used your dark elf to overdo hunts and quests. :p
so instead of suggesting a way to make the game more fun he should suffer?
er, i type and post in the heat of the moment.
thats probably not what you meant

but 'separate counters' would make the game a tad more fun, no?
It's all about planning. I'm not doing hunts now (even if a good portion of them is yellow) because I know I'll switch faction, and use those hunts to build up racial.

Separate HG counter for every faction is a freebie that won't be introduced, no matter how many players would like that. So plan accordingly.
Merc quests are a good way to get your faction skill up, because there are tons of those xxx-raids (0) (1) (2) (3) etc
and xxx-monster (especially easy for a necromancer)
getting free hunts that would mean every got hunters guild 6 at level 7 or 8 already
I agree with Ortan, it would make the game more fun, if the hunts challenged the factions. It doesn't make it very fun when 75% of the hunts are impossible to do with your new faction.

If I were level 6 or 7 it would be easy to ask for assistance and get it. But I tend to pay in off-peak hours when there are much fewer people online.

Imagine how many level 10 folks are around?


^^ All you have to do is make some plan, because
if the hunts challenged the factions
^^ It'll like have multis but with same LG, gold and res.

>>> Next time, there'll be sm1 want to separate TG, MG, etc for factions.
Like wizards doing hunt records,
Necros can do Menc quest easier by infected zombies.

I do agree by hunts getting impossible.
Perhaps Admin can return back to 1/3, 2/3 3/3 hunts^^
can - certanly. Will? - certanly not.
Actually, the Merc/Thief guilds are okay. Those are hard, and easy, varying by faction.

But the hunts, those get progressively harder as they are defeated...and you do many, many more hunts...than TGs/MCs...so the parallel is meaningless.

In any case, it seems I am not the only one agreeing that the hunts are getting ridiculously hard, and making it very unappealing for people to change factions.

Remember, every game where nothing changes gets boring. People want to change factions...just between the gold and now the hunt stuff, well the margin of probable switching grows smaller, and the potential for bored players increases by a noticeable magnitude.

for limustudotcom:
In any case, it seems I am not the only one agreeing that the hunts are getting ridiculously hard, and making it very unappealing for people to change factions.

Hunts aren't the only way to raise skill points. There's also ambushes and PvP battles...

Remember, every game where nothing changes gets boring. People want to change factions...just between the gold and now the hunt stuff, well the margin of probable switching grows smaller, and the potential for bored players increases by a noticeable magnitude.

A game that doesn't have challenges is boring. There are strategies that make switching factions easier. Finding them is the challenge. It's going to bore the hell out of impatient players but that's only because they don't appreciate the fact that this game is much deeper than simply attacking all the monsters you meet.
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