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In Empire's person's info,she said "Don't ask why is Empire is governed by a girl?"

The answer is:

If you read about that there is a Empress,Hermit,Kaliosh and etc?

So we know that Empire is Empress.

And who is taking the role as Hermit?

Kaliosh(I think it's niether adminstation) or Arctic)

Please post what you think.
I agree i think kaliosh is ARCTIC. Thats why he is always late and does silly things like throwing spheres at friends.
Maybe Empire is his galfriend??
I kinda of feel tat R quite close..
But empire is very serious type..
I hope Arctic is not hen-pecked..
Arctic is a kool guy, maybe he marry misself one day and we have our first mr. and mrs. lwm. (made by the game) ^_^
Somehow, I don't quite see them as a pair ;P
for Shebali:
Maybe you want to steal him. Shebali and arctic get married instead ^_^

Cupid is here.
There's no ulterior motive behind my words :)
And I don't see myself maring Arctic any more that I see misself ;P

for Cupid:
Get lost, I've got no time for love :P
Hmm, maybe we need to find arctic someone new. Maybe if we set him up with empire/empress she will make us rich ;)
Hmm, maybe we need to find arctic someone new. Maybe if we set him up with empire/empress she will make us rich ;)

Argeed.*Both eye shine in money*
Lets all start conspiring against arctic
Lets all start conspiring against arctic

lol he's in chat now.How about go to chat and tell him?
So if Arctic marries empress then wat do we cal him??
King ARC??
I told him via PM
Mail me what he said,MasterTI.
No personal messages at forum please, thank you.
Look there is a new clan call Empire Court.

Empire admit herself that she is the majesty.

She invite 2 people.

Arctic and Skunder.

This mean niether skunder is warlord or Kaliosh.

But I think I know.

Kaliosh is a knight so Arctic.

Skunder is warlord.
Skunder isnt in it :P
*not yet:
02-02-09 18:00: Empire has invited Skunder into the clan.
02-02-09 18:00: Empire has invited Skunder into the clan.

I know.But something tell me.Whoever is in that clan is a character of the role.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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