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AuthorIncrease of market slots
Current market post per persons stands at 3. My suggestion is to increase the maiximum posts per player based on the following criteria:

(a)Combat level
(b)Increased tax for each successive post after the third

For (a), my idea in mind is that an additional slot be given to the player for every 2 levels after combat level 3 (i.e. Additional slot at levels 5,7,9,11,13,15..)

For (b), tax percentage for every 2 slots after the the 3rd is increased by 1% (i.e. 4-5 slots, 2% tax, 6-7 slots 3%). The increased tax is to prevent market abuse by manipulating product and/or artifact prices through mass selling.

Hope to hear some constructive comments and feedback. Cheers!
I disagree, then you get even more of those buy and resell people
I can agree with the criteria, but I disagree with the idea, for the same reason that Sven91 provided...

But if it's made such that only donators are allowed extra posts, I think it's more workable. Those who are willing to pay real money can be allowed an extra form of income via trading I guess.
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