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AuthorAbout Loosing Heroes
Plzz to admin .. When a hero or heroes lost at battle in any battles, plzz do not make them run away .. but make them still there till the battle over ...

I am sorry to say, but we are HEROES not COWARDS that could only RUN AWAY from battles .. Even without armies, we are still HEROES

Plzz to admin for the attention

thx a lot

Best regards,

but necromancer hero are not cowards they don't run they walk away after there is nothing to do lol
But still the same .. they flee from the Battelfield .. but the battle is not really over yet .. ^^
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-01-30 20:40:18 // 3.9.1. Additional characters are forbidden to post messages at the Main forums.]
we are NOT heroes.... we are lords =p
actually the hero is you. if you don't want to run then your hero will be captured, or worse, dead. when it happen, you need to create a new char to make new hero, start from level 1. you want it? well, i don't.
to be realistic, when the hero not run, he/she will be captured or dead, so theres no way he/she can return to battle again
^^ Maybe the hero/lord should ride horse or dragon so can run away faster.
when it happen, you need to create a new char to make new hero, start from level 1. you want it? well, i don't.

well, he certainly has been blocked and start from lv 1 many times already anyways =D

and a hero who doesnt flee after he lost is a dumb one
take that just to real life randhy, when you are being attacked by 100 people and you only one, what will you do? fight them all, knowing that you can only attack 1 enemy at once?(consider as hero deal 20 damage to....(1 unit only) but they can attack you 100 more times. 100 units attack you, consider it deal 300 damage, you will die 4 sure, not even have the time to go to hospital =p
i think you never play the original HOMM, right randhy?
^^ But i already look everywhere and can't find hospital at original HOMM O.O
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