Author | abbreviations legend |
I am not a texter so the language of abbreviating can sometimes be tricky as 1) the person who abbreviated isn't available to ask "what does that mean" 2) for some it becomes embarrasing to ask "what does that mean"
So i would like for everyone who is fluent in this language to please leave me what they know, no repeats plz. And also real ones found in the game. Thank you all in advance:)
I know-lol= laugh(ing) out loud
lmao= laughing my #$@ off
brb= be right back (man did that one take me awhile)
afk= away from computer (still don't get the k)
DE= dark elf (for the longest I thought it was demon)
FTW= for the win (thanks misself)
gg= good game
hg= hunter guild
ap= ammunition points
pm= private message
pvp= player vs player (just got that one)
GGF= General game forum
QaH= Queries and Help
And that is all that I can remember off the top of my head. Also please no words like bows or swords as they are shorter version of what they are but are more like nicknames than actual abbreviations like some other creatures in this game have, like the elite forest something.
Plz feel free to correct me if I got any of my limited knowledge of abbreviations list wrong. |
afk is actually away from keyboard. |
afk = away from keyboard
DE ... still read that as disenchant, haha. (different game)
pve = player vs environment
pvm = player vs monster
yw = you're welcome
np = no problem |
EFK = Elite Forest Keepers |
what's BTW? |
BTW = by the way |
BTW = by the way...
GMB = Grandmaster Bowmen
rotfl = rolling on the floor laughing
MP = Magic Punch
MA = Magic Arrow
SS = Stone Skin
DW = Dark Witches
I don't know how often the last four are used, but I know I use them regularly :) |
Ah, forgot a couple. My apologies for double-post.
IMHO or IMO = In my [humble] opinion... |
pve = player vs environment
what does this mean? |
pve = player vs environment
what does this mean?
same thing as pvm = player vs monster
which is, player fighting AI creatures, as opposed to other people |
ROTCL := Rolling On The Carpet Laughing ( winter version of rotfl! )
RTFM := Read The ( beep ) Manual
FYI := For Your Information |
atm= at the moment |
WB = welcome back (used in chat often) |
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // Abbreviated foul words are still foul words] |
CaA=Complain and Appalication(Thanks for mod who ban me XD.) |
isn't ftw for the world? |
sp = skill points |
atm=automatic teller machine |
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // ] |
scuba was just a joke. but you'd be surprised at how many people don't even known it's an acronym.
jk = just kidding / joking
bbl = be back later
idk= i dont know |