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Authorneed TGI
any1 can lend me TGI,i will return both 2 thief-arts and TGI when i get to TG lv2,but as i cant play this game much time everyday,so i can only promise to return TGI in one month.

if i cant return them(2 thief-arts+TGI) in 1 month,2000G per day.

PM me if interested,thx in advance.
nobody can help me? :(
per game's rule, any debit must be returned within a month.
oh,sorry i didnt know that.

but i really dont think i will return TGI after one month,i will do ambush about 3 times everyday and double times in weekend,so one month is enough to me.

actually,i think within 2 weeks maybe i can get TG lv2,but i cant promise that as i dont know how hard the ambush is for a LV7 necro,so i said one month. ^^
Ha...i think if like u said i do like 3 time in one day thenshould be use 3 week to reach TG lv2...im necro too last time...Necro is nt good in ambushes..
you will be lvl8 while doing this. not sure how good lvl 8 nec doing in ambush.

when i get lv8,i may consider to change faction to DE,i guess shrews are the best for ambush. ^^

need TGI...
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