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AuthorHunter Items Research Thread
Hello everybody. Please note that this is no a complaint topic. Let's share our statistics about our hunter items finding ratios. In order to make it comparable please check your last 100 hunts and count your found hunter items.
Please indicate how many of the hunts were assists and your hunters guild level, if you think that it is significant ;)
I start first:
100 Hunts (0 Assist, 93 at HG4 and 7 at HG5) : 3MH, 1H (4 total)
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "General game forum".
wow. actually, i don't know how many arts i obtained from 100 hunts, but it's no more than 10. I'm too lazy to see combat log 100 hunts before.
Yeah, same here.

I'm only guessing that I get about 5 arts per 100 hunts. So the 4 sounds about right to me.
Same, I'm too lazy to review the past 100 hunt/hunt assists. Although I could start taking note from now on...

My guess is that i got about 5 the last 100 hunts.
Hey hexagram, how about we post and you check. I mean if you were bored enuf to check yours out cuz I highly doubt, as you see with myself included, people are gonna actually go and look. but I know for sure that I've gotten 10 hunter arts in all of my hunts thus far and only one was from assist. I think I am close to 150 hunts now. OR 130, definatly above 100:)
dont know about the last 100
but in the last 20 i did found 3, hunter broadsword, master hunter amulet and master hunter bow
@4: I'm not questioning the # of arts i've obtained in hunts. Actually i'm more interested the distribution of H, MH and GH arts probabilities ;)
@6: It is not so big issue. You have 2 options. Either you keep track of your hunts, or just open last 100 hunts as tabs and count ones which end up with arts. I've made more than 1.500 battles 90% of them are hunts and merc quests. I just count last 100 hunts. It is significant enough if everybody contributes with a similar amount.
@7: Sven91, 20 is not enough for a statistical analysis. You might end up with 2 arts in the next 80 hunts (I hope you don't of course)
i have got about 110 hunter points and have only ever found 2 hunter artifacts im a very unlucky person they were a hunter hat and hunter boots i think. not great seeing as its about 5% chance so ive had less than half of what the average probability is
@7: Sven91, 20 is not enough for a statistical analysis. You might end up with 2 arts in the next 80 hunts (I hope you don't of course)
20 is not enough, but neither is 100 and that's why you gather information from many players, right? So you cannot discard his data using that argument.

And according to Shebali the chance of finding an artifact is (3+HG)%, but I have no idea how she knows...
500 hunts 25 items (well nearly... i don't count them all ;) but 500:25 looks good to me)
that means 100 hunts 5 items
ok, ill start counting from now
Ill tell you when i have 100 ^_^
^^ Don't remember it very well but i ofen got from assists.
I played DE and Knights, but I think the probability of getting the arts is different . DE has better chance to get Arts at Hunting but Knights no ..

From 406 huntings = 27 artifacts got ...

Best regards,

I played DE and Knights, but I think the probability of getting the arts is different

What do you base this on? You must remember that because the probability of getting an artifact is very low the distribution is very wide, meaning that the number of artifacts you receive per 100 hunts will fall within a quite wide range. This distribution is of course centered around the actual probability, but to determine the center you need a very large material.
just ignore his posts, they are everywhere and have little value to the topic most of the time
for ThunderLord: I experienced it .. DE get more arts than knights, I play DE and Knights

for Sven91: Plzz do not do that .. I just post .. just hav fun but NOT OFF-TOPIC !

Best regards,

You probably did experience that, but my point is that you cannot conclude that the probability for getting arts is higher for DE than knights based on that. You can say that you have made a measurement of the probability, but the uncertainty is to high for the measurement to be conclusive.

This is getting a little off-topic...
@all : I've also have the info that Shebali provided. She is probably right since the average is around 5%. But we can get more. Don't forget we have 3 different type of hunter artifacts. Hunter, Master Hunter and Great Hunter. It would be very nice if we could get a distribution among them.
We start to find hunter artifacts at HG1, MH at HG3 and GH at HG5.
I wonder whether the chance among them are equal or also HG lvl related.
If this is what you want to achieve you should state it very clearly.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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