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i will with my side LOL
I changed faction from necro to wizard halfway through lvl 6. That was really hard as the new rule with close to no SP for losses was in effect. So all I did was 3 vs 3 battles from lvl 1-6/7. I still lost but at least I got my SP. I can be done but it's not an amuzing progress. lose lose lose all the way.

And yeah I have my 3 chars in use allready and the lowest is well on it's way to lvl 6, so for me it'll be hard to switch to dwarves or whatever they come up with.
make account on Russian sever =^)
russian server ?
um does anyone have links to factions on ru that are not on this server (yet)?
.ru doesnt have any factions we done have

How i know that?
look here

In the middle, you see a little box with all factions and how much percent of the players plays them, and its also a box of 7 lines
I titled this thread improperly
my beef is more with the loooow faction point rewards from near-wins.

So noone else is displeased that its pointless to change factions?
ru-server will get new faction first...
I am displeased. But i did my best on training the factions long before the rule. So I'm good...
i changed from de to elf on lvl 5 and that time it was still doable.
i can understand that players above lvl 8 wont botter anymore, but when your current faction reaches lvl 9 i presume you will change anyway. I know that losses give almost no sp, so try to do hunts with assist / assist others / pvp vs others with low faction point or group battle.

trust me it is all possible. and i love the new rule, cause it evens out the game. no more intentional looses to gain a higher faction in low levels.

tnx admin, for giving everyone a chance in tournys etc
unfortunatly some classes rely heavily on faction level such as knights. Without a high faction level knights are pretty weak as our units do not have the very high stats so we rely on numbers.
(some units do have good stats)
Changed from DE to Elf at level 3, from Elf to Wizard at level 6, and from Wizard to Barbarian (!) at level 7.

It's possible to change faction at every level. And even Kusika and top players will achieve racial skill level 9 in their faction and have to choose another eventually.
Keep in mind it's nearly impossible to win fights when your faction is level 0...
If you play fullart duel - yes. But who play it?
What I dislike is the need to learn new factions. Hope the number of new factions will not be very big.
It is possible to change factions at higher lvls. Most of the top players have multiple factions now. Although most are playing dark elves as their second faction since I'm guessing it probably is the easiest one to start from scratch at a high lvl. I would think barbarian would be another one that would be easy to start from scratch.
Although most are playing dark elves as their second faction since I'm guessing it probably is the easiest one to start from scratch at a high lvl.

Also by far the best at thief ambushes.
I want to be a DWARF .. hehehe .. cool faction .. since watching Lord of the rings, I love them .. But anyone knows when exactly the faction is gonna be implemented ??
If the thing will go at the same speed as now, maybe we will see them in the late 2011 :)

Jokes apart, the new races will be for the newcomers, or for the people who want to donate ;)
Jokes apart, the new races will be for the newcomers, or for the people who want to donate ;)

if it happens then OMG, this is not a FREE game anymore .. just money, money and money .. ^^
if it happens then OMG, this is not a FREE game anymore .. just money, money and money .. ^^

Don't be ridiculous. He means that switching to Dwarves faction will be very expensive, so diamond input will be required.

I disagree :|
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