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Authorwanna rent a TGI?
Conditions - 56,000 gold prepaid for 4 weeks (2.000 for each day) + 1.thief-artifact. if you give the TGI back within 4 weeks, you get back 2,000 for each day left. if you need longer than 4 weeks, each day from the 29th cost 5,000 gold

I “name”, lease the thieves' invitation from btf1.
When I get 1st level thieves guild, I'll transfer the thief-artefact to btf1.
When I get 2nd level thieves guild, I'll return new one thieves' invitation to btf1. I'll prepay 56,000 gold for the first 4 weeks, after that period each day 5,000 gold daily. If I return the TGI within 4 weeks, btf1 returns 2,000 gold for each day left from the 4-week prepaid period.
If I do not execute the treaty provision I agree punishment in the form of the penalty 500000 or blocking.
3.14. Large transfers without cause and description are prohibited. All debts must be returned one month after receiving, or else the transaction will be regarded as violation of par. 3.6. When giving or returning debts, providing the transfer description is compulsory.
closed by btf1 (2009-01-17 12:23:22)
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