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AuthorAbout hunts and artifacts
Hey all,

just to keep it clear this should not be a topic for compliances and whining. I just want to know if I am the only one who feels like this. Are there any other out there? ;o)

Ok but now to the topic....

Because of the changes of the last weeks I feel that this game is going to lose much of his original fun.
I need to equip only cheap artifacts to have an accurate ammount of income. If I do not do so my only chance of earning money is to work. And all of us know that it can really be very boring to log into this game only to find a work.
In addition I now need to check whether the hunt is ok or doable with a positive price-performance ratio. And at least the income per hunt is (as a wizard) around 40 gold in good hunts.
So far ok but since I am level 7 I'd really like to do mercenary quests and perhaps I want to do thiefs guild also some day. To survive a mercenaries quest you normaly have to equip nearly everything you have and the thiefs guild won't be an exception, you need to equip artifacts.
Another hard thing is that now nearly nobody who is going to save money will assist in an hunt. I do not do so anymore because one hunt-assist costs me around 113 gold. I tried to get assistance in 4 hunts the last days but only in two anybody joined (I really can understand, I wouldn't do so either).
Well the only reasons I can imagine why you are now forced to equip artifacts on a simple hunt is on the one hand to improve the artifacts market (but I am sure that on level 5+ many people already were using artifacts before, especially in hard hunts, quests, duels and so on) and on the other hand of course to encourage the people to buy diamonds (which is the much more interesting part I guess).

Just to summarize it ...
All these things are leading to the fact that this game is going to get boring to me. You will have to wait much more time to afford and to achieve some things and it already took a long time before!

There really is a need to adjust the combat level (and so the required ap) with the hunting prize or something like this. What do you guys think?

Just my two cent
First of all you can do hunts for cost of about 85 gold per battle(moral amulet= 23.60, reprisal sword=34.1 and defender shield=27.02.

Secondly as a wizard you should be able to do nearly all merc-quest even without arts, so the above equippment should suffice.

And last yeah working is boring (as in real life), but it can be achieved rather quick here. With only labourers guild 3 you haven't worked much yet for your lvl. If you want the money go and get working.
I'll have to agree with Ranor. Money's tight, but not to the point where I'm suffering. I don't have to wait to do any battles; and the arts are still paying for themselves.

Laborer's guild is still a must though. If you've been not working then you'll have to do some catching up.
There are forum topics dedicated to what the costs of different arts are per battle and also all arts are listed here:

So it is not that expensive to do one hunt and if you enroll to work also that hour then you have made a decent profit. The cost per battle for my basic set which I use for hunts and merc quests is 85 gold. Considering most if not all hunts earn me more than 100 gold I have made money with out even working. Now you should be earning 400ish+ gold per hour working and the resources you can sell from merq quests it would be pretty difficult to run out of money and just have to stop hunting and work.

Now somehow I managed to get to lv 2 thieves guild while continuing to hunt with out any problems and I have just got to level 8 with hunting and merc questing as much as possible and had plenty of gold to buy all the structures in my castle and also to spend 20k getting my thief arts fixed.
Now I need to get 20k to buy 3 new arts and I imagine I will be able to have this in 3 or 4 days while continuing to hunt do merc quests as much as possible.
Thx for your answer.
To comment what you said ...

Since this is not a discussion of wizards (and it seems to me you never played one ;o) ) I won't comment this part.
I know that I did not work much since yet, there are always other things to do than to log into this game every hour to enroll.
What is with the other parts I mentioned?

So if all these changes are allright with you than it is ok. This one above is only my personal feeling about all this.

Let's hear some other meanings, common. ;o)

Thx for all this that is really interesting (I know this site already ;o) ). But since I am not a fighter class I can't come out with 85 gold per hunt. Is this only a problem for wizards?

I continusly lose money when I try to do mercenary quests, hunts, hunt assisting and sometimes a thiefs attack.

Why do you think they are making artifacts obligatory in hunts?

You do raise a good point about mages having to pay more to hunt... which I can understand might seem a little bit unfair, but since the wizards special ability of dealig massive damage with spells in hunts and merc quests you should be able to handle more difficult quests/hunts with less arts on.
As I mentioned to you I currently do merc quests with my basic arts set and you should try this also. Of course this means passing on the obviously difficult quests and hunts but I am estimating that these are only maybe 1 in 5.
Of course i never played wizards, but still i watched many a fight of wizards against xyz, so in my experience you don't need to have arts for increased mana or spell power. Therefore the fighters arts should be sufficient especially with your good racial skill.

By the way I never understood myself why mage arts are so more expensive then the fighter arts. (e.g. staff of power costs more than double as much as sword of might although both give 4 parameter and SoM even increases ini.

I know just opening the game to enroll would be boring, but since you also can only hunt once per hour, there should be no problem to enroll when ever you hunt.
I was feeling the same with you at first BUT since I had work hard before I found that there is no problem to survive.

Further more I have a spare money for play all faction, losing in roulette, some mercenary quest and hunt other quiet a lot with 8 AP per combat[Reprisal + Defender + Medal of honor]

But I still avoid challange level of hunt and not assist if creatures are too high.

Now I feel good with AP system as I get stronger [Although by system forced me]. But I feel bad in [very tiny] skill point gain from lose battle, it disencourage me to try a hard fight and assist.
Hm ... since all of you say nothing changed and it is easy and also as funny as before I really ask myself if it is a problem with wizards. Are there any other wizards having problems with these changes except me?

Or is it just my incapability? ;o)
For reference only
I stop every combat to save money now.

-for hunt-

find your own way to control the condition
try to let gargs get least dmg per turn.

PASS the hunt if you don't have 100% chance to win.
-for merc-

forget all high level "Monster" ,they often have 3k~6K hp
choose low level monster like farmer,swordsman,demon...,etc

"Escort caravan" "without arts"
you may lose the battle easily,but you don't have anything else to lose. =p

about "Armies",I wonder if it's a good choice for now.Kind of waisting arts.

"Invaders",depends on luck,sometimes easy,sometimes impossible.

low level creature {0}~{2} easy
mid level creature {0}~{1}and maybe {2}
high level creature,I think only {0} doable for lv7 wizards.

"Vanguards",pass the necro ones!

And when you get stuck,pass the same mission next time.
hope these can help.
Hey smart0eddie thx for your help. :o)
And that is exactly what I mean, why you need to stop all combats to save money? That could not be the sense of a game to have fun.

In hunts I get 90% a red or red with exclamation mark hunt. These hunts you can not handle as a wizard alone without using spellpower artifacts (which are not lucrative), so I need to pass nearly all hunts comming up (yeah what a fun). Or ask for assistance where nobody assists since these changes, that's ironic...
Yeah, I think it is more a problem for a wizard.
I use magic enhance arts in hunts and merc. I don't count how much I spend on each battle because I do need them in most cases, as is the same for my other wizard friends on lvl 9 or 10. And at level 10, not many hunts I can do with 9 ap after all; 30 ap, maybe ...
As for the labor, I am doing it as frequently as I can. But I simply don't see how I can accumulate more than 5k gold a day now. That means to get miniarts for my army, I need at least another 7 or 8 months' labor, enrolling more than 10 times a day.
Given the cost of miniart and the amount of money I have now, the 3-tier miniart for all stacks is just a dream. I suspended my group fighting because I can not afford the best art for my level (and enchanting).
So, plan a second faction early because switching at high level would be really painful.
What I don't understand is, if you need those magic artifact no matter what, where exactly is the diffrence (and just to mention, I do not propose the new AP rule - I think they should have found another way to increase buying of arts). And if you get only red and red! hunts you should probably get around 200 gold.
Only if you want to get max miniarts. Good miniarts (like +8 atk/+8def on Gargoyles) is about 175K. Takes about a month. Triples seem prohibitively expensive to me.

I'm doing what most wizards are doing- spending a couple of months gaining income, being selective in hunts, doing all the merc quests I can, and no PVP.

There is one huge advantage to being a Wizard- if you want to switch to something else, it's a lot easier to sell off all your minis and switch than it is to go the other way. If you're not willing to be patient, you may as well switch.
It is a good point--if you need arts, you need art, whatever it takes to win.
On the other hand, I don't view the hunts as an income source. It is a way to gain exp and skp, sometimes to beat a record. If it carries 600 gold, it is a bonus. But if it is only 100, it is ok. After all, it is a game. :D
No that is the problem red hunts not always give much money.
I think the main problem is, that you can't deal damage with your units as a wizard (I can only speak about the levels up to 7). You need to run away, defend or hide against 2x2 units and wait that your hero can cast. Unfortunatelly this is only every turn with 10 initiative. (that means you can do constant damage even if your troops die but even my level 6 barb can do more damage per turn than my wizard) ;o)
And btw you normally die before 15 turns (15 magic arrows or 60 mana) are over. :o(
When I'm looking at a possible hard hunt, I go to the top hunters and I use the filter for lvl 7 and wizard faction. From there I can check out the top 3 hunters and see their strategy. Make sure to check their stats because some of them might be in full arts. If the hunt has a smaller number than the top hunters then you should be good. Try to make an adjustment for those in full arts.

Yes, wizards do more damage in hunts with our spells than our troops. I know for lots of quests and hunts, I calculate how much total hps I will be facing and make sure I can do at least that much with my spells. If not then there is a good chance I won't win. If so, then your goal is to last as long as possible. On range troops just sit back and defend. On slow monsters, run away with your gargoyles. On fast monsters, good luck!

Oh another thing if you don't last 15 turns, consider changing your stats, lose a knowledge point and put that extra one into spell power. That would increase the damage of your spells and can make hunts easier.
On fast monsters, good luck! But the fast monster usually die fast too ... ^^

Yeahh the Wizards are Magic and Magic are Wizards .. they cannot be Divided, ur risk is that Ur troops will be lack of Attack and defence, but THE HERO = AWESOME !
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