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Authormercenary fraction
i make this for laugh and cause it has little work to it i also wonder how many time this has been done the units u would start out with are https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=mercarcher and https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=smalllizard lvl 3 u would get https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=mercfootman lvl 5 https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=lizard lvl 8 https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=swolf lvl 11 https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=mercwizard lvl 14 ??? could not find one.heres one upgrade https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=redlizard a bunch of links i know i will name the buildings when i feel like it post what u think i may have to think about all that pack attack but oh well
too weak
why thought it would be those are some good units it could be good
umm there hp is 36 for tier 7
tier 7 have hp 150+
i never picked that one i put question marks could not find one vamp lizzards are the lvl 5 upgrade
yea but all of them have low hp
Problem comes with the higher tiers but I think the low tier troops are just deadly. For example, the merc archers are fast with 11 Ini and suffers no range penalty, with more damage than bowmen to boot. Merc swordsmen are a pain too because of large shield and unlimited retaliation coming together.
i know like necromancer and elf powerful and deadly at first then they slowly weaken actually let me change some things
new lvl 5 unit thought this might be better https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=battlegriffin
i also could have chosen from these https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=thiefarcher https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=thiefmage https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=thiefwarrior https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=enforcer but i just thought these were weaker are like the rebels were an upgrade i could make a new unit nomad 2 attack 2 d 4 hp 1-3 damage speed 5 initiative 10
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the merc faction would not be weak if u got A LOT of them plus they have 2 pack attack units :)
and rebels are the second upgrade of farmer (farmer - recruit - rebel)
yea the pack attack would hurt i mean imagine a player with 2 pack attack monsters
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