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I've got a question

Why do people AFK in battles??

Either they dont show up or dont help or quit in the middle of a battle.

Why do people do this??

Are they trying to get easy exp points or they want to annoy players in the match so they dont win
AFK's don't get XP or skill points.
Connection issues, real life, playing more than one game...
Sometimes they just want to annoy you ;)
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
sometimes they have to leave to do chores or somin (real life isnt descriptive enough XD)

Sometimes its to waste arts of someone they hate... n so on
sometimes because of bad connection

But, many people AFK because they don't have the guts to complete the battle. They just can't accept that they lost. I once battle someone AFK after he knows that he'll lose. I HATE AFK SO MUCH. Can't accept lose? don't u ever play ANY game, AFK-er.
i agree with u f4bz
they dont have the guts to fight, there to scared to stand up and fight like a man
Im not scared and I afk because my computer is not working
I see people that just afk for the fun of it..To make people think there not there then attack...then i see people just wait for the last second to klik wait...and dont even attack with there hero..they just stand there with there hero...But sometimes they are trying to get there turn at a certain time...Then some people just put there guys into a battle then exit out and play somethin els..I still say there should be exp losses for people who do this more than three times a day..!
I afk b'coz my computer down


some personal reasons .

ppl going afk reason :

if a lvl 1 ,fighting with some higher lvl,

they afraid and be afk .
for dariel:

AFK's don't get XP or skill points.

b'coz they don't play the battle ,

they be Away from Keyboard (Afk)
something should be done about AFKers
i know they get no exp but it isnt enough, that team loses cause of him its not fair
closed by Lord Celtic (2009-01-11 11:39:52)
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