On the 12-11-08 07:23 Gr8m8ge Transferred 20345 gold to GodOfNecro - Stating he was "bored with this game".
GodOfNecro - Has transferred thousands of gold to LordOfNecros (Page 3 of LordOfNecros' Transfer Log.)
Also, On the 12-11-08 07:24 (One Minute After!) His friend (Gr8m8ge) had quit and sent him 20345 gold, he transfers 39529 gold to Samarth11 - Stating that he is quitting. (Quitting the game one Minute after his friend! Coincidence? Not likely.)
Samarth11 - After receiving the 39529 gold from GodOfNecro, On the 12-11-08 7:38 (14 Minutes after receiving the gold) transfers all 39529 gold to LordOfNecros. (Who, If you remember Has had contact with GodOfNecro already!)
Samarth11 has also made many transfers to... (Most of these can be found on page's 2&3 of Samarth11's transfer log.)
and From Samarth96 - Who on Her/His profile state that samarth96 is one of their side accounts, ( Trading to and from Side accounts is forbidden.)
Samarthgujral has transferred gold between
And Gujralsamarth (Names are shockingly similar!)
Gujralsamarth has transferred gold to Samarth2 and many other Samarths. Whil sending thousands to Samarth96 and Samarth9696.
Laksha5 has sent a lot of money to Samarth96 and abhishek96 (Who has been trading with Samarth96, Sahilsamarth, Samarth9696 and Samarth11.)
Hope that this evidence is enough to shed some light on the matter and hopefully put an end to this somewhat large (Rather Fishy!) ring of financial assistance. |