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AuthorThieves guild resources possibility
Just an idea that came to me after thieving against a mercury hoarding player, wouldnt it be cool if you could also gain resources from players when thieving... lol and the more you have a a resources the more chance you have of losing it to a thief. Alos something along the lines of the more gold/resources you have to higher chance you have of being ambushed than a player with less resources... anyways im just dreaming here.
Oooh, I like the idea of stealing resources but--

This would raise outrage at how much value you could steal, so I think you take your gold, and if they have resources, you can buy ten total for the price of the cheapest mine.

Was thinking something along the lines of only one resource at thieves guild lv 2, 2 resources at level 4 and 3 resources at lv 6 and the possibilty of stealing arts at lv 8. (lol maybe not the last one).
Everyone would be clamoring about losing all their money (especially with these "horrible" new rules). So that's why I suggested the Hostile Trade. The victim has no choice, but won't really lose money if they bought from the mine, and if they didn't, it's but a small amount and a small inconvenience.
Yeah I understand your resoning but it just doesnt make sense for a thief to ambush the victum then trade with him at a forced cost... lol I see it like someone robbing a liquor store then demanding that the owner sells him 10 bottles of vodka at wholesale price... just seems abit wired to me.
I really didn't expect that someone here dreams of me.

I think wasting time with thiefs, usually when you're in a hurry, is enough and you can use the entire reasoning that speaks against the hoard tax here as well.
Some people need large amounts of resources for mini-arts, leveling up, changing factions etc.
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