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AuthorThief guild ..
Do we need arts for this kind of thing >?< because so far in 7 hours . i won 2 only . when i was elf i won 2. then people said ' you should change to knight. after that what do u know i won 0 !!!
of course u need arts if u want to finish it fast (+- 1 week)
Many wear arts for thieving; it's definitely much harder without them. And if you're renting, it's preferred by most to go with almost a full set so you can finish it in time. And without diamond upgrades AND arts, you can't expect to win much. Thief quests are never easy, you know. ;)

As an Elf, you may think it's easy in the beginning with no efks but it gets hard fast and you'll find it near impossible to depend on your fks and sprites to beat the caravans.

As for Knights, they are a great faction for thieving but you hardly have much of racial skill in it to make it as useful.
I don't think you should change faction because you have advantages through your elf faction points. Watch combats from successful elf thieves.

And: Yes, you need arts and much money to repair them.
1 problem . i'm broke ( thx to ap system ).. i'm trying to create another account but afraid that i will get blocked. btw sprites or fk ?
I don't think you should change faction because you have advantages through your elf faction points. Watch combats from successful elf thieves.

Sure, the elf faction points help, but you have to know it is really difficult for non-diamond elves to be very sucessful. I don't think I've seen many very sucessful non-diamons elf thieves at lv 6 (there are a few, but they really do struggle to get to TG2).
so if i don't return the TGI to mangablanco in time . will i get blocked. the advantage of winning now is tricking people to move to the place where i set the ambush . i maked sure they do not wear arts .. lol
will lvl 7 elf do well ? becuz i can train to lvl 7 in 3-7 days
will lvl 7 elf do well ? becuz i can train to lvl 7 in 3-7 days
not really,
but 8 yes with EFK
will lvl 7 elf do well ? becuz i can train to lvl 7 in 3-7 days
still same, without diamons elfs cant do much

This is the same problem i had, i wanted to train TGI but its very difficult for elves =(
for Sven91:
you are level 6 .. how would u know about level 7 ? btw like i always say try try again
You should talk to mangablanco about this. If you want to trick people then don't set up ambushes at yellow lake <-> great capital, because it's the most used road for thieves.

Beside of that you in any case you will face more caravans then players.

And I wouldn't create a cheat-account, because admins and mods are reading here, you know? ^^

You will face hard times, I think.

When we are at topic: Do caravans get harder when TGL 1 has been reached?
because i talk a lot with shebali, and she is an elf / knight level 7 (with diamons)
Some factions just need their 2nd upgrade - be it diamonds or for game gold on lvl 8. Elves without efk have nothing to do in TG.

Renting TGI on lvl 6 without 2nd up, without arts, without gold for arts... Dunno what you were thinking :/
Do caravans get harder when TGL 1 has been reached?
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no idea . ask zyanya about that. btw why cant people ambush like lower than their level nowadays ?
[Post deleted by moderator Sven91 // general rule 1.7. Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the main sections of th]
So you've got a second char. And now? Maybe you should read the rules before doing something stupid. ;)
^^ If want to ambush lower level then higher level can also crush your ambush but you still can ambush 2 people at the same time.

>>> Beside luck and tactic, TG need proper arts at any combat level or 2nd upgrade preparation.
Do caravans get harder when TGL 1 has been reached?

It does increase in difficulty but it's usually very gradual. The idea is more caravans you beat of the same faction, harder it will be next time you face them again. Having said that, I found that the difficulty sort of escalated when about 20 points short of TG2.
anybody know why I set ambush and wait 15min. and no ambush?
I get kicked out of ambush and have to reset and wait again.
It gets very frustrating and quite boring to boot
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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