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Authora cap for market price
I think there should be a cap for market prices of resources and perhaps artifacts, so the marketers cant simple buy everything all set it at an insane price. Maybe no more than 10% more than original.
lol, worst idea ive ever heard of
justify your reasonings.
you are one of those people who sell resourses at over 400 gold per units, so you think its bad.
Give me one good reason to why there should be a CAP on a MARKET, isnt it everyones right to choose whichever prices they want?
i agree with hatred... for once. lol
currently there is no cap, so some people with good internet connection buy all the resourses the second they are produced, leaving none for other players. So the players go to the market, post all their resourses with really high prices. If there is a cap, people wont be able to post high priced lots, and give the others a chance to build the buildings in their castle. It will also discourage them from trying to profit through the market at all, and sell the resourses to facilities. This could be a huge step to ending the economical crisis.
for brownman:

tat's the only reason for y its called market
There is a cap already, for highest and lowest price.
closed by Shebali (2008-12-23 08:43:31)
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