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I am very pleased that this game now includes dragons!!
Who is with me?
Three cheers for those who develop this game! Mwah!

I am many many battles away from attaining my green Dragons... must fight more and more. Xp is hard to get...

Dragons + grandmaster bowmen... drool lol
[Player banned by moderator misself until 2008-12-15 08:31:07 // good to see enthusiam. though caps in the whole title is not allowed. 1 hour]
Xp is hard to get...
Not anymore.
its easy as you assist somebody in hunt you get exp as well
L@M3!! hah no wonder the mods don't make friends.

My title is the BEST IN THE FORUM hehe
My title is the BEST IN THE FORUM hehe
Arguable. Anyway, next time try even "Draghi". It's italian.
Yes that was a gross exaggeration, however banning people must be kinda fun... still lame tho.

Anyone else wish to contribute the word for dragon in their mother tongue? Greatly appreciated, thanks Laurentio;
In the dragon tongue, dragon is pronounced darastrix.
[Post deleted by moderator misself // sorry. was wished by the creator of the thread. though no bans =).]
i cant find eny dragon?
here is your dragons :)

Necro = https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=bonedragon

Elf = https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=greendragon

DE = https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=shadowdragon
dark elves have the best dragons!!

mod please delete post 8 as it has nothing to do with this topic...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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