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AuthorRule Breaker..
1.10.1. Abbreviations used to insult a player are considered foul language and their usage will be punished. In cases where a two-ways understanding can occur, like masking the foul words with asterisks, the punishment discretion lies on the Administration or Moderators

Player: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4468001

i battle an enemy that keep on spaming messages mostly the "f-word" https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=474068913 she/he always use that foul words.. he/she uses it more than 100 times.. is there a punishment for him.?
post it on compaints & application forum

is there a punishment for him.?
of course
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Complaints and applications".
sorrt i post it on wrong location.. i cant find the complaints and apps earlier because i thought all the forum division are in the drop down menu.. sorry.. it wont happen again..
closed by Lord cepruyc (2009-04-19 21:47:08)
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