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Author#252 New Ellite [welocome]
Clans primary goals are

- Good clan friendship and helpfullness.
- Cool competitions
- Good services (Repair, Modifications, Armory, Bank)
- Thieves invites for as many as possible
- Good advice and factiontalk on combat
Clan page: http://newelitehwm.ucoz.com/
joined to clan:
Antos [Knight] 10
Rappetor [Elf] 7
FlyKit [Necromancer] 6
h4nd [Elf] 8
china_blue99 [Dark elf] 9
joined to clan:
phantomsushi [Wizard] 5
misself [Dark elf] 6
spartan300 [Knight] 8
F4bz [Elf] 6
joined to clan:
emperor_1 [Necromancer] 4
Warlord [Necromancer] 8
iron_eagle [Dark elf] 7
Keepor [Barbarian] 7
i am home
sweet, sweet home.

i feel like want to cry,,,
new elite is back!!!

my 1st clan in this game.
coolest, serious and the best clan.
very interesting..
My suggestion:Dont be like a serious clan.Be a be funny and kind and whatever you can think about.It seem that all like saddness,T.T X 1000 <--Face of members of ex new elite.lol.Just joking dont be mad.
There is no place to discus! Go to another topic!
for CrossXVamki:
that is the leaders choice right now

for Set_Sveta:
hey, he bumped your topic, lighten up abit =D
LOL, YOU SPELLED IT AS NEW ELLITE,(its supposed to be new elite)
[Player banned by moderator Arctic until 2008-12-09 10:11:36 // Flood in a clan topic.]
Come and join us. Relax, set_sveta. they're just jealous to us, u know?

For the one who's not jealous, come and join us. we really got 'high score' before. Now, it will be better than best.

Thx to set_sveta and Warlord.
He-he =)
Now joined to us:
badboy1712 [Elf] 6
abdullah [Dark elf] 6
ProELF [Dark elf] 8

It's not the end! :P
Now joined to us:
soepaidjo [Demon] 7
Black-Shadow [Necromancer] 9
wertykulus [Elf] 5
-ILDAR- [Necromancer] 3
man001 [Necromancer] 5
Noak [Wizard] 7
DeJebakan [Necromancer] 8
Kasjer_Lewicy [Elf] 8
I m sry for just now.
Joined to us:
Rnm [Demon] 7
MasterTI [Dark elf] 9
Patriot [Knight] 5
IBACb [Elf] 8
mr_pud [Dark elf] 5
I'm also glad to return home ;)
Welcome to:
No1 [Necromancer] 8
xXxLONERxXx [Elf] 5
umsal [Knight] 9
Welcome to our clan!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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