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AuthorSelling character is legal or not?
Personal info:
Account for sell. If You want to get my account, write to me

Personal info
from 25.08 player is a 8y.o. child. May be not communicative
(new owner)
At the very least it falls under

3.7. Password transfer to a different user and collective account managing are forbidden.

and most likely

3.6. Trading any in-game property or service for real money, as well as trading not game-related property or service in the game is forbidden.

So definetly not legal.
hehe, many players want to be banished ;)

Both accounts are not mine.
I posted it here, not in Queries and help forum, becouse I only try raport illegal action.

I you wanna ban, msg to rapra, he sometime login also on his buyed account Grzesiekw21, and his "kids" accounts zopio and jagodka.
It is illegal.
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2008-12-26 11:15:15 // p1 CaA local rules]
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // ]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2008-12-30 21:52:06 // CaA is not the place to discuss game rules. If you don't like them, contact the Secretary.]
Looks that new owner buy not only character, but olso clan #106 Final Extasy, with all clan gold. Look at clan log:


Additional characters are not allowed to financial assist, but clan can ?
Where is a new owner Levy? You are trying to find any possible thing to take revenge on me.
Lets look at Your clan's log:
It was a long time ago when You made the same: withdrawn 100k, gought fullart set and made ambushes. When we discuss that all Your clan was paying You, then You deposit into clan account, and then You withdrawn that money to buying arts, You made a loud laugh from us.
07-08-08 13:20: Transferred 20000 gold to the #117 clan account
07-08-08 11:27: Received 20000 Gold from Zulu : clan
07-06-08 17:34: Transferred 20000 gold to the #117 clan account
07-06-08 17:33: Received 20000 Gold from Gosia : clan
06-28-08 19:31: Transferred 40000 gold to the #117 clan account
06-28-08 19:25: Received 20000 Gold from Zulu : clan
06-28-08 19:24: Received 20000 Gold from Gosia : clan
07-12-08 16:12: Withdrawn 100000 gold from the #117 clan account
You were even punished by 1k gold, which were very dissapointing for us and other observers:
07-13-08 18:54: Player was imposed a penalty of 1000 gold. // stop financial assist from "family". password transfer. warning

The same was with second account, Ivon:
07-13-08 18:53: Player was imposed a penalty of 40000 gold. // financial assist from Margret
07-13-08 18:53: Player was imposed a penalty of 27500 gold. // from Francik

Admins were very tolerant to You Levy and blocked only supporting sub-accounts, what I always read as injustice.

You dont back that money up to today, Levy!

Now You are paying attention to me? What a hipocrisy!

Transfer log of Grzesiekw21
05-02-08 08:50: Registered. Faction: Demon.
but from 25.08 player is a 8y.o. child. May be not communicative.
Before was older? or was communicative?
8 y.o. child as not communicative guild leader?

Again you point at my family mistakes.
We may only 1 wrong thing,: we start play without read game rules.
Some of them are blocked, without chance to explain situation.
Admins check it and punish us. I tryed explain all on mail to admins and this forum.

But you know game rules (becouse you post on forum about our mistakes) and you consciously broke general rules.
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Please provide FACTS, not personal opinions.]
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-01-07 06:01:07 // CaA local rule. No personal discussions here.]
Before 08.24.08 (Grzesiekw21 - from 25.08 player is a 8y.o. child. May be not communicative) all clan transfers was like in others clans (1000 - 9000 gold).

08-24-08 06:45: Grzesiekw21 has assigned posts: Recruiter, Chronicler, Herald to rapra.

and it started:

transfer gold from mulit/son (invite to clan - drain gold - evicted from clan all in 10 days)

08-25-08 05:47: rapra has invited zopio into the clan.
08-25-08 05:48: zopio has joined the clan.
08-25-08 06:33: Received 17500 Gold from zopio : clan treasure
08-25-08 06:38: Transferred 17500 gold to the #106 clan account
09-04-08 21:29: rapra has evicted zopio from the clan.

transfers from other multi:

08-25-08 06:05: Received 40000 Gold from VegaMax : for clan
08-25-08 06:06: Transferred 40000 gold to the #106 clan account
09-23-08 06:52: Received 10000 Gold from VegaMax : to clan treasury
09-23-08 06:57: Transferred 10000 gold to the #106 clan account

presents from multi/family/friends? (naturaly less than 30% :p )

08-25-08 05:48: Received 5 Sulfur 2 Mercury 16 Ore 10 Wood from zopio : present: less than 30%

08-24-08 09:57: Received 45000 Gold from Grzesiekw21 : present: 30% of my property

12-31-08 16:06: Received 20000 Gold from woj :
12-31-08 16:11: Received 6000 Gold from woj : 30 %

after 08.24.08 large transfers "clan":

01-05-09 19:34: rapra has deposited 4000 gold to the clan account.
01-04-09 06:36: rapra has withdrawn 2000 gold from the clan account.
01-03-09 16:37: rapra has withdrawn 28000 gold from the clan account.
01-03-09 13:52: rapra has withdrawn 1000 gold from the clan account.
01-03-09 13:52: rapra has withdrawn 1000 gold from the clan account.
10-07-08 19:56: rapra has deposited 20000 gold to the clan account.
09-24-08 15:24: rapra has deposited 1000 gold to the clan account.
09-23-08 06:57: rapra has deposited 10000 gold to the clan account. (but first: 09-23-08 06:52: Received 10000 Gold from VegaMax : to clan treasury)
09-23-08 06:34: rapra has withdrawn 50000 gold from the clan account.
09-21-08 19:18: Grzesiekw21 has deposited 2000 gold to the clan account.
09-15-08 19:35: rapra has withdrawn 5000 gold from the clan account.
09-06-08 08:33: rapra has withdrawn 13000 gold from the clan account.
09-05-08 14:15: rapra has deposited 3000 gold to the clan account.
09-05-08 06:37: rapra has withdrawn 30000 gold from the clan account.
08-29-08 11:40: rapra has deposited 1000 gold to the clan account.
08-28-08 19:34: Grzesiekw21 has deposited 30000 gold to the clan account.
08-26-08 19:08: rapra has withdrawn 85000 gold from the clan account.
08-25-08 06:38: rapra has deposited 17500 gold to the clan account. (but first: 08-25-08 06:33: Received 17500 Gold from zopio : clan treasure)
08-25-08 06:06: rapra has deposited 40000 gold to the clan account. (but first 08-25-08 06:05: Received 40000 Gold from VegaMax : for clan)
08-25-08 05:57: Grzesiekw21 has deposited 40000 gold to the clan account.

... all Your clan was paying You, then You deposit into clan account, and then You withdrawn that money to buying arts...

You were even punished by 1k gold, which were very dissapointing for us and other observers:

07-13-08 18:54: Player was imposed a penalty of 1000 gold. // stop financial assist from "family". password transfer. warning

I was punished 1k gold, my family still are blocked, and you ?:

10-09-08 16:32: Player was imposed a penalty of 1 gold. // rapra, VegaMax, zopio, zebrka, Grzesiekw21, jagodka-multiple characters management rules violation, warning

And you write:
Admins were very tolerant to You Levy and blocked only supporting sub-accounts, what I always read as injustice.
closed by Lord cepruyc (2009-05-14 12:19:53)
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