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   Forums-->Gratitudes and congratulations-->

AuthorVictory, thanks to AFKers
I dont know if this is the corrct forum, but who cares.

Well, look at this. I battle alongside some )="(§= Elf, who played so unbelievable bad that we never had a chance. We were both Level 4, our enemies 2x lvl 3 and 1x lv 4. It looked very bad....but then... well, amuse yourself
1.Nice work.
2.That guy said F**k.
3.This is in the right forum coz you want people to congratulation you winning such a miracle battle.(But the exp you gain is not amazing through).
Gratulations, however I don't like AFK's even on the other team.
I once had a 3 vs 3, turned out I was the only one there:p.
lol just watched, how unlucky for them lol and i agree elf was bad
You´re right , Cross, but how should I get XP if all my enemies flee battle ;)
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