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AuthorHow many skellingtons do you have in reserve
I have 30 what about you?
Amount of Skeletons:
Necromancer Faction-level/Amount of extras
1 12
2 18
3 25
4 40
5 65
6 95
7 130
8 170
You forgot to mention faction level 0 and 9
btw 0 is 6
and wha i meant was how many skelingtons do peopl have in reserve not how many of them can be brought in for each faction level
also now i have 34 in reserve
you can have thousands and you can buy thousands

i have 2000+ which is quite low...

i don't think there's any limit... you should ask walker or the higher necros.
All i wana know is how many skellingtons all the necro's currently have in reserve
well then u should level up and post in off game forum
currentl i have 80 skellingtons
This doesnt need help or anything.This should put into off game forum.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
I only posted it in queries and help as that is the only part of th forum a level 2 can post as I was level 2 at th time of posting the topic
now i have 116
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