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AuthorAbout artifacts durability.
Originally I've wanted to write a thread here about how bad I feed about artifact durability mechanics, but then I've found this suggestion is already being considered by You. So instead I'll perhaps add something in case IF this mechanic would be in fact removed (which I'd very much look forward to).

I think artifacts could be much more fun than they are today. To achieve that the amount of available arts would have to be bigger and more varied. So instead of just plain bonus stats, perhaps some special features - like giving a spell, improving a spell, granting special ability (like volley hero attack or ability to place obstacle on the battlefied - just as examples). The point is to have tons of choices for every slot. Also the amount of sets could be increased (and perhaps in form of smaller sets - 2 item, 3 item etc.)

You could also feature a whole crafting system for the players themselves (for more "epic" artifacts that is), so that players would have to find and collect various materials and reagents, perhaps need to do quests. The creation of items could be randomized to make it possible (with small chance) to craft something of exceptional quality (better stats than normal).

To put the matter short, I think artifacts - both the acquiring of them and customizing player actual choices - could be the best part of this game if implemented and changed correctly, if there would be no fear for actually using them (almost no exp for losing, afkers, etc.)

Also I personally think (but only if artifacts durability would be removed) equipped artifacts, stats and army composition should not be viewable on the opponent before fight, I think it spoils the surprise and makes people too picky who to fight and who to avoid.

There, that's all. I hope You will find my feedback useful for something. :)
spells/abilities on arts, not a good idea imo
if tehre would be an artifact giving some good/very usefull spell/ability
everyone would use it

improved crafting system could work but would be alot of work codewise though
I don't think artifact deterioration should be removed. First of all that would render the smith's guild obsolete. Instead what I would like to see is greater durability overall and a larger variety of artifacts.
If artifacts don't break, what would be the point of having gold or doing labour?
If artifacts don't break, what would be the point of having gold or doing labour?

That was somewhat irrelevant and invalid. Gold would still be useful for building up your castle, buying elements and resources plus, you'd still have to buy the arts at least once. Labour on the other hand isn't just useful for earning gold.
True that. But any game needs a money sink or two.
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