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AuthorAbout Troops Of Other Faction.
From what i learn form LORDS of War and Money.There was
Dark Elf,Elf,Necromancer,Barbarians,Demons,Knight,Wizard troops.One of the faction troops are strong and weak and some of them only strong at attack but weak at defend and some are strong at defend but weak at attack as i know. ^-^
yes, that sounds about right. wizard get some of the worst troops, though their magic is good. thats why gargs have such good hp and defence,. and speed. though low attack
This game is fair. All the factions are as strong as the others. But of course every factions have their characteristic. Just like dark elf has strong melee, wizard has good magic, elf has strong bowmen.
It's not quite up to HoMM where you can mix and match armies, however.
It's not quite up to HoMM where you can mix and match armies, however.

I second that and that's also the reason some of the features that were a big bonus in HoMM are actually more of a drawback here. For example, the always neutral morale of undead stacks. In HoMM the consistency of your army affected morale greatly plus there were spells for lowering the morale of the opponent. In lords none of these exist, one has to try hard in order to get negative morale actually, so there is virtually no way to use that in your advantage.
There are indeed ways to exploit neutral morale : ring of doubts, resurection (give -1 or -2 moral to all stacks of a non undead army), talents such as fallen knight, etc. But you can exploit it only at quite high level (save ring of doubts, usable from lvl 4)
Ring of Doubts comes in handy for elves as well... When you are able to use Rally instead of Advanced fortune. You can then use a Ring of Doubt and Amulet of Luck along with a Ring of Inspiration to give you +1 Morale and +2 Luck. Along with that you'll have more troops to fight with :)
for PetitEtMechant:
Perhaps I haven't reached the point where I can see all that you talk about yet. I've seen the ring of doubts and it's very useful indeed BUT it might even be THE most expensive artifact in the game given it's cost to durability ratio. Still, given the fact that other races have luck as a talent and have most of the times positive morale it's still not enough to give the edge to neutral morale that it was originally designed to have in HoMM.
please people, stop making comparisons between HoMM and this game, because crature names and some spells looks the same. it's completely different things. the first one is a turn based strategy and this game here is more like an online advanced chessmate. it's a dashboard game. maybe the best dashboard game with some extraordinary whims and very good ballance.

and NO, they WON'T change mobs' names, like the name of the game, because they are not invented by microprose or any other. they are mythological names and NO ONE possesses their exclusive rights! you can stop any further discussions about this issue right here. it will only save you time and keystrokes }
to ipslne:
I don't consider changing 3 morale for 1 luck such a good idea.
Ah, but wait until you have Rally. It would be worth it :) My max hit so far has been 1165.
all faction's warrior have a distinct characteristics the thing which matters is the way in which you use them
@Georgia: no, it's not completely different. Not only the creature names are the same (what doesn't matter anyway), but the whole (hero and unit) stats and combat system. The turn based economy has been stripped away because that would have been rather hard to implement, but this game is clearly an adaption of HoMM's combat system with its units, spell and stat system as well as buildings of the castle, ressources and so on.

And the neutrality of undead troops is a boon because of the Rings of Doubt, expensive as they may be, and resurrection without morale issues. in the HoMM games, mixing undead armies with others wasn't all that effective, either, because (living) creatures would get another -2 Morale for having undead troops in the army, plus lose the 1 morale from having a pure army (only wizard units, for example).
to ipslne:
Well, as I see it, in expectation, 3 morale means 30% more damage (by attacking more often), while 1 luck means 10% more damage. The disadvantage of the first might be running out of ammunition faster and taking more retaliation (but the later can be handled).
Plus luck just adds up with favoured enemy, while morale multiplies.
for Georgia:
As Musculus said, this game IS based on HoMM so comparisons are inevitable. The main difference is that while in HoMM the combat system was just a means to the cause (be it campaign completion or map domination) in LoWM it's the core the whole game is built around. Nobody is doubting the brilliance and addictiveness of the idea or judging it's realization we are just making conversation.
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