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AuthorMerchant Guild
As we have hunter/gambling/mercenary guilds I suggest the creation of merchant guild.

The game would require the creation of a NPC in the Great Capital. The character would buy any item or material at the lowest cost that can be produced for example if wood can be produced at 180gold at any facility this is how much this NPC wouldbuy it at. Same with items or machinery products...

Every time you sell to this character you get points based on the cost of the item so for every 10,000 gold value you have sold to the NPC you get 1 point

1st Merchant Guild level = 10 points gives you 1% discount on all stores
2nd Merchant Guild level = 20 points gives you 2% discount
3rd Merchant Guild level = 40 points gives you 4% discount
etc etc etc.....
So you receive bonuses for nothing? just silly, imho
not for nothing, for doing a lot of work to keep the balance of the production facilities so that work is possible for everyone...

if you could buy resources and then sell them at no loss and a small bonus then people would buy artefacts then sell them to the ncp that way the economy would keep running in a much smoother way than it currently is.

with my suggestion it would take a lot of work to get those bonuses and not everyone at low level can do it since it would require that you have enough funds to be a traveling merchant...
well i could sell the crystals and gems in my inventory and i would get to 3rd skill in about 3 hours
well i could sell the crystals and gems in my inventory ...
Realy? How? ;)
for Lion_Heart:
Ignore that one please - I misread your post (yep, it's possible :)
4: the numbers where just a suggestion the admins will know what an appropriate value will be...they could even have a merchant pass costing 50,000 to get limiting the number of people that chose to become merchants, how exactly it would be developed is up to the admins....

PS. I just checked your inventory and you had no gems or crystals but maybe you are talking of a dif character...anyway thats besides the point.
lion heart had 25 gems and 25 crystals
He thinks it would give him 50 points (25+25)
But as you say it you get 1 point for each 10k, so it would only give her like 4 points
thanks Sven91, indeed only almost 2 points (1.8 points to be exact) cause the value of 25gems and 25Crystals would be around 18,450 gold.
I don't disagree with the idea of a merchant's guild, but I think that the skill point should be calculated based on the taxes you pay the empire when you sell something in the market. An NPC that only buys at cost seems somewhat pointless.
I like the idea of a Merchant Guild. How about something like what was in HMM? Have a Merchant Guild in each province, where you have to buy a License that last for a limited amount of time.

The purpose of the Guild & the license would be to exchange one kind of resource for another. The more license you have the better the exchange rate. That way if you have like one license, then you could exchange 1000 gold for 1 Gem. 10 crystals for 1 Mercury, & the more licenses you have the better the exchange rate.
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