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AuthorOnly in Lords of War and Money...
I made this new game called: Only in Lords of War and Money...

You just need to put something on the dots which is possible in Lords of War and Money and that isn't in real life.

Example: Only in Lords of War and Money does is it possible to have 300 heavy resources on your hand and it doesn't slow you down traveling.

Be original, be funny and most of all have fun;)
Only in Lords of War and Money can u be a thief and not get policemen on your tail...
Only in Lords of War and Money you can tell goblins on wolves what to do
Only in lords of War and Money you can be born a race then change later on
Only in Lords of War and Money you can raise the dead
Only in LoWaM imps, dogs, wolfes and other have gold and resources.
Only in Lords of War and Money you can cheat without any penalty.
Only blablabla ogres can't knock big creatures back XD
Only in Lords of War and Money moderators are not interested in banning flooders.
[Player banned by moderator dArtagnan until 2008-10-31 21:23:32 // Flooder spotted. Fire at will!]
Only in Lords of War and Money moderators are not interested in banning flooders.
[Player banned by moderator dArtagnan until 2008-10-31 21:23:32 // Flooder spotted. Fire at will!]

wow... O_O
only in lords of war and m,oney your WHOLE army is heald 4 some reson in 15mins
for Kush:
yes! Autoban)
for misself:
Up ur lvl and ur army'll become not WHOLE.
Only in lord war and money,those mercenary will scold you badly if you fail your mission :p
Onley in lords of war and money you can see half nacked women and tell her what to do (Rouge)
only in lords of war and money is a wizard as great as he is supposed to be. (vs such as wow)
Only in Lords of War and Money you can feel the smell of gargoyles and golems O_O
Only here 3 farmers can cover 50 bowmen)
Only in Lords of War and Moneyu can buy skeletons at the local market
Only in Lords of War and Money, you can see some bunny hope goblins with flying kick on your butt; carrying gold run around for you to rob LOL
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM