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AuthorDragon Heroes. Thief Invitation Renting.
Rent time: 4 weeks.
Payment under the contract:
1000 gold per day;
1 art of thief at return to a current of the first 2 weeks (1 art of thief will be returned the player after contract end);
2 arts of thief at return to a current of the 4 weeks.
Prepaid: 10,000 gold to Vitosik (renting fee for first 10 days);
Penalty under the contract: 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
The rent contract:
I “Nickname”, lease the thieves' invitation from Vitosik, for a period of 4 weeks.
When I get 1 level thieves guild, I'll send to him first art of thief.
When I get 2 level thieves guild, I'll return new one thieves' invitation with second art of thief and 1000 gold per day (- 10,000 gold prepaid).
If I do not execute the treaty provision I agree punishment in the form of the penalty 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
If I return TGI in 2 weeks, I will get one thief art back on Vitosik's choice.
Thx, Vitosik, I want to rent it^^
I “ChenLong”, lease the thieves' invitation from Vitosik, for a period of 4 weeks.
When I get 1 level thieves guild, I'll send to him first art of thief.
When I get 2 level thieves guild, I'll return new one thieves' invitation with second art of thief and 1000 gold per day (- 10,000 gold prepaid).
If I do not execute the treaty provision I agree punishment in the form of the penalty 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
If I return TGI in 2 weeks, I will get one thief art back on Vitosik's choice.
do you have some invitation for me for rent?
do you have some invitation for me for rent?
Sorry. Only for Dark Alliance & Dragon Heroes
but do you have still invite that I knew if I need to enter ?
thx, Vitosik! :)

IBACb, we have 3 TGIs in our clan for renting and the waiting list is very short. And you are welcome to join us. Plz check our clan page for detail:

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