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AuthorShop Arts for Rent
Equilibrium Blade 245 ( 95) [170] per Battle.
Longbow 385 (152) [270] per Battle.
Chain Helm 125 ( 46) [ 85] per Battle.
Amulet of luck 115 ( 46) [ 80] per Battle.
Hauberk 180 ( 69) [125] per Battle.
Defender Sheild 85 ( 34) [ 60] per Battle.
Shoes of Aspiration 185 ( 72) [130] per Battle.
(2)Ring of Inspiration 263 (105) [184] per Battle.

The First Price Listed is for Regular Players.
The second Price Listed is for The "Top Elite".
The Third Price Listed is For New Elite Members.

The first Price was obtained by rougly Store price divided by durability.
The Second Price was obtained by the repair cost divided by the durability.
The Third Price is an average of the first two prices.

I offer a discount of 1% x Amount of artifacts rented, excluding 1% for only renting 1 artifact.
closed by grotto512 (2008-10-18 06:02:20)
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM