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AuthorMy Thief Inivtation (TGI) Renting
-------------- Thief invitation (TGI) renting term ------------------------

My TGI will be give to clan members of Clan #136 Dragon Heroes only.

The thief invitation (TGI) renting term will be based on your clan title at the time you start to rent my TGI. The higher clan title give you longer renting time.

For clan members with silver dragon and above title, renting time is 4 weeks, 1000 gold per day. If return TGI in 2 weeks, return 1 thief art (my choice). If return in 4 weeks, return 2 thief arts.

For clan members with lower title than silver dragon, renting time is 20 dyas, 1000 gold per day. If return TGI in first 10 days, return 1 thief art (my choice). If return during 10-20 days, return 2 thief art. For the time past 20 days, 5000 gold per day.

Player need to transfer binghuo 10,000 gold as prepaid renting fee for first 10 days, and accept the term before renting our TGI.

If you are not able to return TGI in 4 weeks, you will be fined 300,000 gold.
I, Player pptandppt, would like to rent the thief invitation (TGI) from binghuo. I will return a new thief invitation in 4 weeks and pay 1000 gold renting fee per day. I have transfered 10,000 gold to binghuo as prepaid renting fee for first 10 days. If I return TGI in 2 weeks, I will return 1 of my two thief arts on binghuo's choice. If return after 2 weeks, I return 2 thief arts. If I am not able to return TGI in 4 weeks, I will be fined 300,000 gold.
10-04-08 20:51: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to pptandppt
closed by Lord binghuo (2008-10-11 14:01:02)
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