Author | Necromancers and luck |
Before you say 'stop complaining, no one faction is over-balanced', let me say this...i have played against necromancers in 3 of my tourny battles. Each time i counted the amount of lucky hits they had, and in all 3 games the neromancers had lucky hits on average 1-2 turns from every 3.
Not complaining of course. Just that it means if you're against the necromancer, you may as well not bother playing. I think the luck effect should be seriously reconsidered and reduced to, say, x1.5 damage. Failing that, the chance of luck occuring needs to be looked at.
Before anyone says 'shut up and stop complaining', ask how many other people have this complaint about luck. |
I agree. They are the only faction that can effectively equip the ring of doubts... as the 2- morale doesn't affect them. And they can wear 2 in addition to an amulet of luck. |
Thanks Psykr. In that last battle I lost 17 golems in 2 hits, and 21 gargoyles in 3 hits. And there was nothing I could do about it. |
shut up and stop complainingxD))) |
Perspective of a non-necromancer: They're over balanced with their dominance over the ring of doubts.
Perspective of a necromancer: But it also means positive morale doesn't work either.
Perspective of a non-necromancer: Theres still the fact of resurecting stacks.
Perspective of a necromancer: The stacks get weaker each time.
Perspective of a non-necromancer: Still necromancers have too much power using the right strategy.
Perspective of a necromancer: Each tier has its own major impurity though.
Perspective of elemento136: Nothing is unbalanced. Its just the matter of focusing on strengths and striking at weaknesses. Just search for them. |
as much as i like this idea (and it is a little unfair with all the luk)
7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction. |
Have you bothered looking at how much each undead stack deals in comparison to other stacks?
I can tell you. It's less.
Did you bother to check the initiative of undead troops compared to the average other faction? I can tell you. It's less. The average hp of troops? Oh my, could it be? Yes! It IS less!.
We don't get morale either.
To compensate that, we get to wear those rings, and we get to avoid poison and various other mental conditions from spells, and raise dead more effectively.
Next time: necromancer faction topic is there for a reason, and rule #7 indeed =)
*slightly disgruntled rantmode -OFF-* |
Sometimes Lucks is way better than moral, but good moral you can choose who and then to attak. luck against 1 creaturestack is a waste of power, but to even a little why not have rings that set luck to zero and give you 2 moral ? that would help al slow troops a ittle and bring some extra tactics to the game. |
funny, look, like Kusika beat me, twice, like a necro i have no chance, and of course i have +3 luck.
at some lvl is necro good, at some is bad... |
Wow, you guys who talk about rules and complaining - is this a dictatorship here? Must i bow to your words with a humble 'yes sir'? No, i don't think so.
My original comment is not just about necromancers, it is about luck in general. This concerns necromancers because It is very easy for them to have +3 luck. read my post again, elemento and dreadclaw ;) |
so elf also has the same problem for you, they easier to get luck than maybe consider ban elf this faction?
you better work hard for yourself instead of open such topic. |
did you forget that all the other factions can get luck for free with talents? I guess you did. All the luck that necros get they have to pay for with artifact. Rings of doubt arent cheap at all.
to #8: why do you want 0 luck and +2 morale? Make it more even and create -2 luck and +1 morale. I guess you wont be using that one either... |
Jafia...did you forget your head today? I guess you did; I am a wizard...I suggest you look at the wizards' talent wheel so that I dont have to waste time explaining the glaring fault of your statement. Nothing intelligent to say, then stay quiet :D |
As level 7 knight, I could have 4 luck 0 morale if I wanted to. I would rather have 6 morale 0 luck. As someone else say, when morale strike, you get more moves, you can choose. But when luck strike, it could be waste on one stack, and rarely strike when you want it to. |
for StorminMerlin:
I think you forget to take medicine today. You will say you are wizard!Your wizard can simply get forever luck by mini-arts. |
than i htink i'm a loser ? yes i won 3 of 4 battles in blind tournament , but i had luck at least 1 from 4-5 hits , so Storminmerlin, u were just unlucky to have lucky opponents =))) |
You are so right there dead lord, but once again my point is that nothing has such a great influence on a battle as a lucky strike in my opinion. Similarly I fough against an elf using diamond upgrade elite FK, who got lucky strike on his first turn and wiped out half my army...oh what joy.
pegasusfui thanks, that made me laugh! Am I supposed to feel humble that I have to pay tens of thousands of gold just to give all my troops +1 luck? Go get some more sleep ;) |
for StorminMerlin:
I wish I could pay 10ks of gold to give permanent +1 luck to my troops =/ (or +2 or, better yet, +3...) |
Right, so stormin let me get this straight.
You getting +1 luck forever for a mere sum of 100,000 or so is a lot less broken than necromancers getting +1 luck for 12 battles for a small 6000 gold.
basically, necromancers are going to be investing in their luck forever, while you have a 1 time investment in it.
Sorry, but that's just bogus. your reasoning is utterly flawed.
Just because some necromancers do pay money to get luck, and you're unwilling to do the same makes those necromancers evil and broken?
Pah. Don't make me laugh. |
Dreadclaw, I'm glad I made you laugh, you certainly made me laugh and i'm not complaining.
Firstly, you seem to have missed the whole point of my first post, like all the other necros on this thread who have gotten so easily, I didn't mean to offend you, so why the witch-hunt? Sorry, I had no idea people could have such fragile egos.
In my opinion x2 damage for luck and the frequent occurence of it in my games against necros is a bit too strong, if you think this reason is flawed then no doubt you will be happy to remove all your luck arts, seeing as they make such little difference to you? |