Author | outbidden |
how is it possible that a caracter that is ofline keeps overbidding me?
Is there a function in this game to do this or is this guy cheating and does he programmed something to keep overbigging untill a certain price? That way he can buy all arts cheap and then sell them for more
i hope the first one but i am afraid it is the second oneps this guys nick is Yangguo |
You can set the price you are willing to pay if you bid. This price can be much more than the current price for the item. The auction will then compare with the other bids an will rise to the lowest possuble price.
The auction starts with a minimum of 1000. The first bidder (a) sets exactly 1000, the next (b) sets it to 1400 now the price for the item will only rise to 1010 and b will be the current highest bidder. If anyone else (c) makes a bid, say 1200 the auction will raise the price of the item over thge bid of person c to 1212 and b will still be the highest bidder untill someone bids more than 1400. |
ok now i understand.
i think this system is not fair, as you should be online to do the good bidding but at least it is not cheating as i thought
thanks for the explenation |
closed by Kush (2008-09-19 18:13:52) |