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Author | Revised Ninja faction |
Wind Arrow at lvl 1, rest gained at lvl.5, Chaos and darkness magic.
NINJA specific abilities:
Double-space strike, can attack adjecent enemies two spaces away.
Invisibility, the user cannot be attacked unti, its next turn, but it can only be used once per battle. (this does not mean that other stacks cant use it.
Starting out basic stat: +1, Attack.
MALE HERO: A black Gi wearing man with a sheathed katana on his back. he is crossing his arms.
FEMALE HERO: A women with black hair in a ponytail, black boots, black bakini, and a katana sheathed on her waiste.
lvl 1)
atk: 5
def: 4
spd: 5
damage: 2-3
Abilities: strike and return, invisibility.
HP: 14
Initiative: 8.2
DISCRIPTION: A ninja waering a black Gi, and a long katana.
atk: 6
def: 3
spd: 5
damage: 2-2
Abilities: Double-space strike, Stun.
HP: 6
Initiative: 6.5
DISCRIPTION: A man waering no shirt but a black cape and black pants. He weilds a ninja star.
lvl 3)
atk: 12
def: 11
spd: 5
damage: 6-12
Abilities: Rage, double-strike.
HP: 23
Initiative: 5.9
DISCRIPTION: A samurai with the japanese samurai armor and weilding a long curved sword.
lvl 5)
atk: 19
def: 17
spd: 6
damage: 10-13
Abilities: No retaliation, Double-space strike, invisibility.
HP: 40
Initiative: 7.9
DISCRIPTION: A ery tall ninja with four arms, (each weild a small katana) a red headband, and steel boots. Wearing a black Gi.
lvl 8)
atk: 27
def: 25
spd: 7
damage: 20-23
Abilities: Rage, Flyer, magic sheild 10%, Large creature, broad attack.
HP: 67
Initiative: 7.0
DISCRIPTION: A long and slender japanese dragon. It has red and green stripes on it body with gold limbs and head.
lvl 10)
atk: 50
def: 44
spd: 5
damage: 27-30
Abilities: Large creature, Inflame.
HP: 123
Initiative: 6.1
DISCRIPTION: The big, dark green with sliver back-spikes dragon!
atk: 10
def: 9
spd: 6
damage: 4-6
Abilities: Strike and return, invisibilty.
HP: 28
Initiative: 8.4
DISCRIPTION: The ninja from before but has a red headband and a longer katana.
atk: 13
def: 8
spd: 5
damage: 3-5
Abilities: Double-space strike, stun.
HP: 21
DISCRIPTION: The assasin but has caught dark-fire and has a bigger ninja star (the star has blood on it).
atk: 20
def: 20
spd: 6
damage: 9-15
Abilities: Rage, Double-strike.
HP: 47
Initiative: 6.1
DISCRIPTION: The Samurai but with a red cape and a bigger curved sword.
ninja construction:
Ninja castle is a japanese castle.
Dark Dojo, alows to recruit 14 ninja upward. (no cost)
assasin con.:
Spy Guild, allows to recruit 10 assasins upward. (no cost)
samurai con.:
Castle of Warriors, allows to recruit 11 samurai upward. (2,000gold, 3ore)
shakkiro con.:
Shadow Cove, allows to recruit 8 shakkiro upward. (10,000gold 4gems 3crystals)
lung con.:
Mystical paradise, allows to recruit 5 lungs upward. (30,000gold 5crystals 2wood 2ore 2gems)
godzilla con.:
City Arena, allows to recruit 3 godzillas upward. (50,000gold 10crystals 10wood 10ore 5mercury)
Shogun con.:
Master Dojo, allows to recruit 14 Shogun upward. (10,000gold 10 mercury)
Shadow con.:
Shadow Guild, allows to recruit 6 shadows upward. (15,000gold 10gems 5sulfur)
daimyo con.:
Castle of Masters, allows to recruit 11 daimyo upward. (20,000gold 10ore 10sulur 5wood)
And thats it (teehee godzilla)!! this is the fully revised and adapted version of the one from "NINJA faction idea" so enjoy!! | a new kind of godzilla ya lol | wow level 1 4-6 damage...with 21 hp; for level 1!?, level 3 is 9-15 with 47 hp. I wonder who could beat these LOL. | actually, if LOOK at the normal stats of other creatures its about equal | About equal? You haven't been able to make a balanced army yet. I'm sorry but that's the truth, all your units here are vastly unbalanced. | Ha! you wish! i did my research! like wolfhounds having 12 atk 11 def without arts. dont tell me there unbalanced. besides, i dont see YOU coming up with any good ideas! >=[ | 14 shogun upwards?? thats about 30-35 on level 5 which means (with luck) 35x20=730 damage on level 5? and 35x28hp=980 hp? LOL! | 12 attack, 11 def? thats including hero's attributes... | Wolfhounds:
attack: 4
def: 2
hp: 15
damage: 3-5 | Cerberi
Hit Points:15
Abilities: Three-headed Attack, No enemy retaliation
Hit Points:47
Abilities: Rage, Double-strike
See the difference? | the ceberi sample of stats WRONG by SO MUCH ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY! Wolfhounds have twice more then that and there not even upgraded yet. | also, i forgot to give ninja and shogun the Unlimited Retaliation ability | Don't forget to add pack attack to each creature, add spellcasting to each stack, and shots. Every ninja should shoot.
Oh, and are you sure they have enough hp and dmg? it seems a bit low.
*Now try to reverse this statement and you'll find my true opinion* |
Those are Cerberi stats.
Also you haven’t done ANY research. It’s clear you’re just making a faction that you wish was real so that you don’t have to play hard.
While you’re at it add SUPER MEGA FIRE BLAST to Godzilla that does 900+ damage.
This is the most overpowered class I have ever seen. LMAO at the invisibility option, just make many stacks and have them go invisible when in danger. ROFL. | Wow i didnt know there could be so much noobs in one place...
To Alloy: I did cerberi, yes you're right. But i already posted Wolfhounds and btw: i did cerberi (3 upgrade) and his 3 upgrade.
And to Geia: GET A LIFE!
Im gone here. | Ivo For the win, geia , learn how to spell first, don't insult and lie to people | ... and your telling me to get a life?? your just telling me off to make yourself feel better. =] | are you too ignorant that you dont want to accept the fact that other creatures do not have that high stats? | man this is wayyyy TO OVERPOWERD! i mean forhevans sakes godzilla! give evry creature super attack 1000-1000000000 dmg! | I wonder why don't u have some range weapon units?
Army without these unis cannot be a good army |
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