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AuthorIs this game in a finished state?
My assumption is that it is not.

Having experienced various HoMM worlds, I am convinced that a lot of content is still missing.

When will this content be introduced?
My guess is when a majority of player has reached a high level (10?).

luckily the game evolves quit slowly, and for any number of people to reach that level will take a long time ....
Onlain game can't be finished state

^^^^ Theres your answer.
I love HoMM , where are there other HoMM worlds?

Also, Aravil
did u perhaps mean Online games are never finished they are always developing?
Not only is that wrong but horribly misspelled. This game could use some improvements.

1. Game still has balance issues.
2. Afk players are still barely being punished
3. slow gameplay due to afk'ers, 30/60 second rounds and server lag

That last real update we receive was 2 months ago. Thats a long time for a online game to go without a "update"
did u perhaps mean Online games are never finished they are always developing? yes

That last real update we receive was 2 months ago. Thats a long time for a online game to go without a "update" You are absolutely right... We - moderators - also don't like this.. but we can do nothing(
Anbd there are more problems:
- admnis wisit the game seldom, moderators aren't pais, sometimes the salary is 3 weeks late, secretary seldom answeres the PMs
- lawbreakers are rarely punished
- almost no events - only 1 tournament
- no news (only 2 grafic improvements, tournament, perks and donation system)
- no wars => no medals and rare artifacts (except thiefs)

Serious problems - number of people online decreases because of boring, no news, no wars, no rare and expensive artifacts => people don't pay a lot of money; no sences for serious modifications and repair => people don't pay a lot of money

I love the whole concept of this game, I really hope that the game does not cease to exist. But, if these problems keep on being ignored and updates cease players will move on.

I wonder how much money it would take to buy this game out.
i wish some thing new comes up
Well it all stays the same, so yes the game is in a finished state, you like it? :s
I think that this is the time for the first war :)
About the balance - according to admins the game on levels 9- is ballanced.

About the rest - this server is in a very poor state.

- admnis wisit the game seldom, moderators aren't pais, sometimes the salary is 3 weeks late, secretary seldom answeres the PMs
- lawbreakers are rarely punished
- almost no events - only 1 tournament
- no news (only 2 grafic improvements, tournament, perks and donation system)
- no wars => no medals and rare artifacts (except thiefs)

Small wonder people are leaving. Something should be done, otherwise noone will be left, and the place already resembles a swamp more than anything else. While I'm happy that admins are paying attention to .ru(although there are plenty of complaints there, too) I wish something would happen here.
A new tournament, like on /ru(blindfold battle type), a moderator that would work in CaA section(like Lexa from .ru - for those who know))

And maybe something from here http://www.heroeswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832843


now I'm all distressed...
Well Lexa works on CaA here also.

The moderators can't do anything, because only admins have the right to punish. So we moderators also sadly see that the CaA is only looked at once in the month, if it's looked at.
damn, heroes of might and magic doesnt deserve to be treated like this. it was and is one of the best fantasy-worlds there is. a pity.

but i suspect, that it could have to do something about license-rights to the original game, since 95% of the game is a 1on1 copy.

perhaps admins already got mailed by the rights owners (whoever this might be at the moment), so they dont develop any further and keep quiet, as long as donations come in? just a guess
I'd be happy if they had a server that doesn't lag/crash so damn often!!

It really is infuriating especially when you play roulette for so long (and I mean hours) waiting for a number then it comes in when the site has crashed!!
Well Lexa works on CaA here also Forgot about that, my bad.

for yippeekiay:
you think this server crushes often? you should have seen .ru, not so long ago it used to crash every day *knocks on the wood*
on'line game can be in finished state when player don't play it for long period then come back)what about this ga,e there are many announsments)so keep waiting)
I think that the game could be a lot better if admins delegated reliable mods the ability to block accounts.

Also, the games improves, but slowly. I doubt we'll get beyond level 13 ever. Imagine the development involved for new creatures and spells for... what? Even in the russian server after more than a year of existence, there are barely a handful of level 13 players.

I think that we expect a lot, and admins are taking their time. I hope they won't consider HWM like a simple money-making scheme while having moved their interest to other things.
Well how many people are actually donating? I mean building this thing isn’t free. They need better servers, more graphic artists, animators and just coders in general. This all takes money and time; I think we should all wait a little while before jumping the gun. I mean check out there list of future updates where they have 2 classes there definitely creating and a few others there not telling us about. Building more classes into the game takes time and consideration to other classes already in play.
when you say 'war' what do you mean?
for Alloy:
if i'll play fraction such as elf or DE i'll donate on upgrade)but demons grade is really suck ay 6th lvl it's kust a joke)//and about thief invite?it's quite tough for me to pay 80 euros in one time?and i'm not one,who can't donate 80 euros
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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