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Authortoo many subject on overpowered? or too slow or whatever
The game is fairly balanced. So get over it.

If you just can not, then switch to other race.
I agree with this.
If you are weaker at certain level you will stronger at other level.
No matter with weaker or stronger it depend on luck(real one) and strategy.
I agree completely.
First choose own tactics for each enemy.
Then test..if unsuccessful - yhen try to consider, what you`ve done wrong. Change tactics.

So first thing is brain.
And it often also depends on luck, of course..
but complainig is garbage.
#1 absolutely, 100% agree!

stop complaining!
please respect designers of this game!
I disagree, talking about imbalances gives us a chance to complain a valid human emotion. Besides what else would we talk about "real" life. <Shudder>

If you don't like read a different thread there are many.
I m not against weeping becouse first of all it gives chanse to reviel some disbalanse which wassent seen on testing and gives something to tolk becouse othervise there would be nothing new in general forum for weeks ^_^

but from another angle there is one realy enoing thing - almoust all topics whit weeping are garbage becouse topicstarter dont use brain, tactics or something else, looses one or two battles, sometimes then he\she was whit out arts and advisory whit fullart and then he weeping about thigs that are OK, in balace and so on -_-
Complaining isn't bad. Yes there are many complaints out there that are completely not thought out and are just useless rants (I've made some too, hehe). It's common, because ranting about something isn't necessarily a bad thing, the people take out all there frustration on the keyboard to type whatever problem there having rather than putting a hole in a wall (lol).

If complaints are legitimate and well constructed, then people would actually listen and agree to whatever the person was trying to complain about.

Their may be an unbalance to the game, their may not be. Nobody will know and it will no chance at being fixed if there is one and no one that complains.
i agree 200% there are to many people complaining because they just rush in battle without thinking.
it realy annoys me when the developers of this game have spent many many hours making this game so that it is equal and balanced and people complain about it.
There will be always people that are dis-satisfied in every game, and complain about it in hopes of helping themselves out. It is an absolute guarantee that a game will have at least 1 person that complains.
I don't believe I'm not respecting developers when I utter my worries. On the contrary, I believe I'm giving them input. Though the developers may choose to ignore it, I feel the need to give them my opinion on a few matters, or my opinion to members.

I believe respecting someone isn't just "shutting your pie-hole" and just accepting there can't be change. Because I believe I should be more than able to voice my concerns and complaints without people immediately screaming how they shouldn't do that for those poor developers...Well, it comes as part of the job.

I Agree Also
The people who think the game is unbalanced is obviously not very smart at this game
this game you need a lot of strategy to win this game.
Dont always just suddenly charge in there.
Unless you know what you are doing . But make sure what you are thinking is correct.
All monsters are unique in each talent and is balanced if you see all factions together
Like take ghost as an example : They are strong and ethereal for a few turns but because they are like this the makers decided to make ghosts HP short due to its non elemental resistances and only elemental can strike full power at ghosts without missing
Thats why there are wizards to make it fair.
Everything was put there for a reason
So gamers stop complaining and just play
you have to think more carefully on where you are going to move or hit or maybe defend
Not everyone is perfect in this game
No one can
Also just about every monster has a weakness
Golem are good against ghosts.
Ghosts are good against non-elemental monsters(Not so high level monsters like Rocs or grpyhons or any of that stuff)(Oh correct me if im wrong please)
I'd say about every single faction has its strengths and weaknesses
So the game is balanced
Just in each way the game is balanced .
You have to learn and understand the complete meaning of these games for all of those people who think this game is unbalanced
golems don't do elemental damage btw
But how come they can always hit my ghost
without failing
you just unlucky at that time

ghost cant defeat griffin, they'll die fast with their retalation

but they're still balance
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