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AuthorKnights to slow?
Hi, I'm a knight in Heroes, and I love this game. BUT... I think that knight are WAY to slow with ther intiative. They are the one of the slowest, specially Recruits, Swordsmen and Bowmen. The Griffins are OK, but I think that Knights should have more intiative. All of the knights troops dies, couse the other troops play like 2 times before the swordsmen. What do you think?

knights compensate for that with their power. they r very powerful
Powerful? The bowmens suck, and the Swordsmen cant take advantage of their power, couse they have to wait to much...
People, don`t look only at initiative, hp and damage! I thnik it`s quite "normal" on high-lvls, that knights have so much "Meat", that for example elves and dark elves have to kill.
The initiative of giffins is not only ok - it`s super. Nearly the fastest creature (except of neutral lizard cubs and monsters) and 4-th lvl, and retaliation!
Elves have problems with killing swordsmen, because of theit range defense.

If knights would have such an initiative like elves or dark elves, they would kill everybody.
It's very easy for elves to kill knights. Their elvebowmen takes out my griffins, their druids take out my recruits, their sprites take out my swordsmen. What are you talking about?
If knights would have such an initiative like elves or dark elves, they would kill everybody Agree, and i will change to knight coz very overpowerd..

Swordman have more amount than Forest keeper!

Swordman is tier3
Forest is tier2

Knight tier3 troops more amount than elf tier2 troops! OMG!
))) A bit of tactic and brain using and all will be super.
If you consider - that griffins block druids (a minimum chance of blocking elf-archers) an elf will probably kill griffins. If not - archers. But you have though one of the troops, which can take out elf-archers.
So - either you shoot down elf-bowmen, while they kill griffins. Or you kill druids first (because of their magic which they can use on swordsmen) and then you go for elf-bowmen. Well - you killed druids - elf-bowmen killed griffins. You shoot down elf-bowmen.
And now a pretty good situation (maybe druids cast stonseskin on keepers, while being attacked). But for a swordsman with such a defense ad chance of stunning, it isn`t really a problem.
Or you could just kill first keepers with griffins and arrows won`t help an elf against swordsmen.

-> So, what`s the problem then?
for Muma-SWE:
shame on u, yes, knights are slow, but they are in greate numbers, they are strong enought, maby its hard on lvl 5-6, but they good enought at 3-4 and 8+ levels there elves are no mach for them

in theory, yes, you are right...

in real fight? nah... not every elf was stupid enough to follow the same exact prosedures like you mentioned :|

perhaps i m brainless, i cant 100% agree with it
) Of course, this game also depends on luck and not only tactics.
Because in the beginnig of a battle you can`t see how the enemy has splitted his stacks.
But it`s helpful to look at his information (talents) and the favourite enemy (so you can split stacks of favourite enemy for the elf, ao that he cannot kill all in one stack).
Everyone is different.))
for Muma-SWE:
shut up please, your cry is very funny. as for me knights are realy overpowered. I have additional character - knight, during the tournament i made 27 battles on 4,5 lvls and i lost only 2(!) times. 29 swords with native 10 defence, and rage +6 atack + morale 3 unstopable. too slow? put stats in magic and use rapid spell.
brain rules but bcause of crooked hands we have so much topics as "why my fraction is so weak???"
their sprites take out my swordsmen.
realy funny, how much strikes does it takes for 24 sprites to kill 29 swords? 7-8 atacks. and swords can kill all 24 sprites in 1 smash. even if u put escort on swords and press deff all the time, sprites will die faster then swords.

not all of them, if sprites hit twice, kill 9, then swords will need 2, unless they get luck. While elf bows are shooting at and them, and druid too
Nice - but if a player chooses sprites - he hgets less keepers.
And when sprites are killed - good bye elf.
Sorry for my complaining then, Your all right, now close this topic ^^
Edit: You cant block druids -.-''
Topic 7;
Sorry I'm flooding, but what if I use Recruits? What is better, Bowmens or Recruits?
Depends on who you`re fighting. But bowmen, imho.)
jah i think now it is bowmen, but recruits are still needed in some hunts and the merc quests where you start in the centre
against an elf bowmen are probably better IMO. Because if they kill your grifs first round, recruits just move up, but bows attack. If they kill bows first round, grifs go up and kill the, supported by swords. So i would use bows.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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