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Authorwhat a retard
yawn* u didnt see wut soathon pmd my other char ^.^ (yeah i mentiond i got a diff one in my profile and that im currently seeing wut the balance is...)
{just a side thing, even with my jokeing around (yes i know im not funny) he stil called me racist :P and the topic name is what a retard....}
yawn* and no none of u can see the real reason why soathon is a fuking nub and complaining unless u ask him and make him tell u lol
1~0:[DeasprateDesire]: lol moron lv 5 actually came
2~0:[DeasprateDesire]: to bad even when u win ur getting very very little xp
3~0:[hate_bug]: hi
4~1:[DeasprateDesire]: finally
5~1:[DeasprateDesire]: lol cant belive ur so bad u have to face us bug
6~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ew..
7~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: imps
8~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: oh wells
9~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: =,=
10~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: we got no mana
11~1:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ^^
12~1:[DeasprateDesire]: ma chao did u forget how to be elf?
13~1:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
14~3:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: yuppers
15~3:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: !
16~6:[DeasprateDesire]: oh no gates wut will we ever do
17~6:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
18~7:[DeasprateDesire]: demons are no threat at all
19~7:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: you squish them!
20~8:[Soathon]: stop your sarcasm
21~8:[Soathon]: i dont buy that
22~9:[DeasprateDesire]: theyre less then necro and weaker
23~9:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
24~9:[DeasprateDesire]: dont buy wutever u want untill u get succubi ur useless
25~10:[DeasprateDesire]: oh and it isnt sarcasim
26~10:[Soathon]: ROFL racist
27~10:[DeasprateDesire]: yes
28~10:[DeasprateDesire]: i am
29~10:[DeasprateDesire]: u fuking jew
30~11:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn* hes so retarded hes rolling on a floor laughing
31~11:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: shoot an archer
32~11:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: i'll shoo the other
33~11:[Soathon]: ROFL what i'm not jew and i'm talking bout ur discrimination to usdemo
34~13:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn* keep talking but we dont know jewish sry man
35~13:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: moses
36~13:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: thats all i know
37~14:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: i think..
38~14:[Soathon]: rofl funny
39~14:[DeasprateDesire]: see hes fukin his floor again
40~15:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: only desperate's racist
41~15:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: not me!
42~15:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: lol
43~16:[DeasprateDesire]: no ur racist to
44~17:[DeasprateDesire]: by not being racist
45~17:[DeasprateDesire]: and calling me racist
46~17:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
47~17:[Soathon]: haha dont even know what rofl stands for
48~17:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ...
49~17:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ew
50~17:[Soathon]: ROFL!
51~18:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: roll on floor laughing
52~18:[DeasprateDesire]: roll on floor like fuk
53~18:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: isn't it..?
54~18:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
55~19:[DeasprateDesire]: see he is fukin the floor
56~19:[Soathon]: ya u discriminate demons
57~20:[Soathon]: nope it isnt :)
58~20:[DeasprateDesire]: no
59~20:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: rock on floor lagging
60~20:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ^^
61~20:[DeasprateDesire]: just know they sucdk
62~20:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: haha
63~22:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn* great time to atk the magic ppl
64~22:[DeasprateDesire]: hate this part
65~22:[Soathon]: rofl u're just sore because u're too stupid to cr4eate 4-4 vs 4-5
66~22:[Soathon]: and 5 actually came in
67~24:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn* lol not really
68~25:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: the 5 isn't doing much
69~25:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: so shush
70~25:[DeasprateDesire]: more xp for us when we wope ur ass
71~25:[Soathon]: ya rly
72~26:[DeasprateDesire]: its basicly 2 lv 4 vs a lv 5 right now
73~28:[DeasprateDesire]: ur only good unit is ur 30 demon
74~29:[DeasprateDesire]: rest are to pathetic to laugh at
75~30:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: rock on floor laughing
76~30:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: -,-
77~30:[DeasprateDesire]: LOL my orcs melee beats any of ur units
78~32:[Soathon]: haha i could say the same thing to you
79~32:[DeasprateDesire]: roll on father laughing
80~32:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
81~32:[hate_bug]: he make wrong
82~32:[hate_bug]: so good
83~32:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: i dunno why i did that
84~32:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: lol
85~36:[hate_bug]: soa go to his base I will handle in middle
86~36:[DeasprateDesire]: screw it just take dmg from the druids lol
87~37:[DeasprateDesire]: LOL sry to make fun of u but we got no bases in this game
88~37:[DeasprateDesire]: moron
89~40:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: castle sieges would be fun...
90~40:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: ^^
91~42:[DeasprateDesire]: yeah but it would need 10v10 or somin
92~42:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
93~43:[DeasprateDesire]: for a decent size castle
94~43:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: not really...
95~43:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: 1v1 works
96~43:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: -,-
97~44:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: i played the actual game
98~44:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: so shush
99~44:[DeasprateDesire]: nah u cant sover entire castle that way
100~45:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn* i played a shit load of games with castle sieges to
101~45:[DeasprateDesire]: moron
102~46:[hate_bug]: do u all like this lighting?
103~46:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: i meant heroes
104~46:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: mm
105~46:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: so yea
106~46:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: =,=
107~47:[DeasprateDesire]: it doesnt matter ur getting shit xp lol
108~49:[Soathon]: haha sour grapers
109~50:[DeasprateDesire]: so funny watch soathon xp from this is ganna be like 100-300
110~50:[DeasprateDesire]: or less
111~51:[DeasprateDesire]: infact i think we may get more xp lol
112~52:[hate_bug]: 6
113~52:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: nope
114~52:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: idiot
115~52:[hate_bug]: good
116~52:[Soathon]: lol
117~52:[DeasprateDesire]: oh no?
118~52:[DeasprateDesire]: lol
119~53:[Soathon]: what?
120~53:[DeasprateDesire]: DUDE
121~54:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: hahaha
122~54:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: -,-
123~54:[DeasprateDesire]: oh nvm
124~54:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: we lost anyways
125~54:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: so meh
126~55:[Soathon]: yea?
127~58:[DeasprateDesire]: kill blue lol
128~58:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: pretty fairy run!!
129~58:[Ma-Chao-Shu]: lol
130~60:[DeasprateDesire]: and it got hit by lightning
131~60:[DeasprateDesire]: or not
132~64:[DeasprateDesire]: 6 hounds then hes eliminated
133~64:[DeasprateDesire]: nvm
134~64:[DeasprateDesire]: forgot a bout the 30 demons ^.^
135~64:[Soathon]: good bye and hav a nice day
136~65:[hate_bug]: ya bye
137~66:[DeasprateDesire]: lol ganna take another like 18 turns for us to lose
138~66:[DeasprateDesire]: ... or 10
139~67:[DeasprateDesire]: or 4
140~68:[Soathon]: whoops my hounds live
141~69:[DeasprateDesire]: yawn*
142~69:[DeasprateDesire]: that took awhile
143~69:[DeasprateDesire]: loser
144~69:[Soathon]: 500+ and u said 100-300
LOL ^.^ 1st of all hes missing some sentences i remember i said ma chao shut the hell up u asian kid 2nd u can see while i was jokeing around he called me racist so i commented in his obsession on having sexual intercourse with the floor with resulted in him being rude while i was makeing a mear observation
nah i didnt miss anything
you can check here ^.^ *yawn
its actually *yawn* to say ur doing it but i usually say first word so its yawn*
^.^ oh i also didnt get in trouble for this

(i did get one acc ban and -20k and the 20k on other acc for guild, but thats because i didnt bother to read the "NO MULTI ACC TRANSFER" shit lol)
well if i know desperate desire as i have seen him in the past week. he couldn't care less. he also probably has a mult that plays the game and a character (this 1) that is a hell raiser. though i couldn't really care less
^.^ i got another set of accs still though im starting to play less, im not a hell raiser im just a kid with the ability of common sence..

Common sence isnt.
The topic is accurate.
LOL if it were about you perhaps but for me its slightly off, it should be "what a **** who acts like a retard." DER! XD
It's Common sense, not common sence. Get off my internet, english noob.
closed by Lexa (2008-08-31 01:19:20)
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