Author | Thief arts renting |
We have the following thief artifact that you can borrow. The current renting price (per item per battle) is 1500 gold. Plz write to binghuo if you are interested.
Thief cloak
Reduces ranged damage taken by 20%.
Thief dagger
attack +1 defence +1 initiative +1% and Increases melee damage by 10%.
Thief boots
defence +2 initiative +3%
And more are coming. |
up |
^_^ |
does the increase melee damage by 10% mean the units or the hero? |
all units of course |
Thief dagger is gone. But we got two more arts for renting
Thief amulet
Luck +1 Morale +1 Initiative +3%
Thief ring
Initiative +5% |
Topic moved from "Ordinary artifacts" to "Leasing". |