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AuthorRoulette game is not fair!
Sorry, but your roulette gmae is all but not fair!!
3 x 20 and 5 x 22 in the last hours. What is the probability of that?! This is not fair!!!
may be not fair,but possible)think about it)
and if u play,don/t be upset if u loose everything)many people say.that roulette is evil
Look at the spin history. That isn't possible!
Of course roulette is rigged in favor of the house. What'd you expect?
I often go to casino, so my advice : if you want to win, do it some other way.
Eventually you will be in lose anyway. The point is that i just get pleasure of playing. That is not the casr here however, and "yes" i totally agree, that roulette here is cheating. As any other electronic version, even in casino. On the real table, i have never seen myself such possibity, and for sure 15 times color in row, sound like a chance out of zillions statistically.
Sorry for some mistakes, was stoned)
think about it nothing is impossible its just highly unlikely
3 20's is as likely as any 3 number combination.
#8 is right.

Playing in the roulette will always make you loose money in the long run
it'll make you lose money in the shortrun aswell :)
theres 1 rule the house always wins :) all the bets on their are one sided to the house even the 1 colour isnt 50/50 as youve got the 0's
that's why roullete calles Gambling....
You can download the file with all roulette numbers for this month. BEFORE the numbers will land. But the file is password protected and the password is released on next month for previous month file. This way you can check that the numbers were choose before you placed the bet. All is fair, just the roulette game itself isn't.
roulette is the quickest way of losing money in my opinion

i saw three 00 in a row once and hardly anybody got any gold
well there are password crackers you can use, but seeing as how the it's like 20 digits long you'll pobably crack it sometime in december :D
for navimegaman:
december 2108 =))
100 years
I've got the worst luck...

Roulette bets total: 406,142
Roulette winnings total: 337,932

Games played: 220
Victories: 112 15,048
Defeats: 108 19,440

losses across the board...

it'd be different if I didn't know what I was doing too...

look at mine

Roulette bets total: 604,685
Roulette winnings total: 623,767

Combats fought: 156 Games played: 2
Victories: 127 Victories: 0
Defeats: 29 Defeats: 2

hufff win from the roulette and lost it all from it ahahaha i wonder is am i the biggest spender here????
well u still 20k up :)
and i see you've tried kush :P
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