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The random number generator u use is unfair. Try to use rolls from a real rulette. The fact you generate numbers beforehand is far from realistic. Please analyse this and that :)
just get over your loss and never play the evil roulette again :)
LOL !!!!
I dont mind the loss, especially that I have not lost much, however if you observe how numbers are generated in this particular rulette and if you know anything about probability you will see that such combination sequences are virtually impossible,
everything is possible in real roulette also low probability doesnt mean its impossible. :) But if u c some pattern in way how numbers are generated use it and get rich. :P
DUDE! O_o I think we should call the FBI! O_o I also see patterns and sometimes i see code combinations! I think they are translating some secret messages through this roulette! OmG! =(
Low probability events in rulette are standard - but there are some logical limits. I will not expand on the odds however you dont often get events in the range of 10 000 000 : 1 in realistuic rulette - while in this game such sequences appear often. I think this is a glitch in the way numbers are generated and this is a technical issue - then again maybe the authors of the game dont want this rulette to be realistic.
ps. to marked one - there are players who see the pattern of this glitch and are making profit on this, this doesnt bother me. Im just mentioning a technical issue.
If u c patterns then why are u -38000 gold in roulette and u dont even bet often. O_o

Only darkdemon1 is making profit but he got balls and he is just very lucky. Even he has bad luck sometimes and loses alot of his profit in process. :)
i noticed quite alot of times, in a page of the history

different numbers appear twice

i mean like

theres 2 3s, 2 15s, 2 26s on the same page
oh the history right now for example

19:00 21
18:50 15
18:40 18
18:30 34
18:20 30
18:10 30
18:00 6
17:50 19
17:40 13
17:30 12
17:20 24
17:10 29
17:00 13
16:50 32
16:40 12
16:30 13
16:20 11
16:10 27
thats no different then rolling a pair of dices and gettings two 6's. probability is just the likelyhood of a number coming up it's not a certainty.
lol 2 on same page isnt so unpropable its just lucky number sometimes same number get picked twice in row even this is not unlikely u just never know when that happens :P
The odds of rolling in dice 2 x 6 is very high namely about 1:36 - as compared to 2x30 in rullete as shown in the example the probability is 1:1000+ it will happen from time to time - here you have this every day. The odds of having 3x13 in 8 draws is also very low - its hard to calculate but I expect its significantly less probable than 1: 50 000. Notice how often you have red or black 8 times+ in a row - this is less probable than 1: 1 000 000. Im not saying this cannot happen but if you get many such events something is wrong. The random generator cannot work completly against probability. Id think that the numbers are not generated in a random way at all - probably some person just writes down what comes to his mind:) and that is why the results have a strong bias.
In all reality, the history has no effect on which number will come next anyways. Every spin has 38:1 on any certain number no matter what the history is. So why even complain about this?
Because it is unrealistic. Probability is not just probability. Opinion polls and election polls are based on probability and the margin for error is small if you have a sample of lets say a 1000 spins. What would you say if say on election day the polls would indicate a canditate is winning 51% to 49% and real results would be 99% to 1%? - its possible in theory but it never happens In a casino the players would feel cheated. That is why I think the numbers could be generated more realistically. I dont think that in this case the odds are 1:38 per spin.
How can they not be 1:38??? Does the number ever come up 37? 1-36, 0, 00 are the only possible numbers, therefore the odds stand true no matter who or what picks the number.
Not exactly. The odds are 1:38 if the numers are selected in a random manner, in a casino this is provided by the "straight" rulette wheel and an honset "spinner":) - if the wheel would have any dents in it it would provide unfair results. Now for example, if a person would "select" numbers he/she would conciously or unconciously have a bias for some numbers - therefore it would be possible that "21* could have odds of 1:20 while lets say "28" would have 1:55, just as a dented roulette wheel. Furtheremore, a person might have a bias to select specific sequences - again unconciously. Therefore the manner in which numbers are generated or selected is very important.
I dont get what you are saying... Are you a little confused? :D And isnt it 50% probability that a number has either red or black colour on every spin? Then its possible to see 4,5,6 results of one colour in the row...
No, Im not confused. The probability depends on how you generate the numbers. Sure it possible that you will have red or black 5,6,7... times in a row, however not very frequently, 6 in a row on average should happen about once a day, 7 in a row maybe every 2 days, 8 in a row once in 10 days - 9 or 10 in a row are almost impossible [if numbers are truly random] - remember we have only 144 spins a day in this game.
ps. by the way the probability that a number will be either red or black is never 50% its 47,2%:D
lets say i have maximal stake 5000. is that cumulative? or independent?
i mean ... can i bet on same spinning 4000 on one number and 3000 on another? or the sum must be <= 5000?
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