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AuthorThieves' guild - Balansed?
Elves 6, twice meet Lvl 8 knight in fullart - Is it normal? lvl 6 vs lvl8 - NO chance anyway...
For what this thing was made? **
Let me quote the guilds section on the thieves guild as answer:

"Equally with caravans, an encounter with player characters having +-2 levels compared to the ambusher is possible. However, it is impossible to ambush a character that has combat level below 6. Consider that the Empire's lands are patrolled by monks. They join the defending player's troops if his or her combat level is lower than the attacker's."

So yes, the thieves guild was made like that, you just seem to be really unlucky, seeing that you met a lvl 7 barbarian in full arts, too ;)

i twice met two other lvl 7 (without arts) within one combat, but not a lvl 8 up to now.
just wondering, is this encounter like a blind battle or can the thief choose not to attack his victim when he sees it is a level 9?
pure random. the ambush triggers, and you know what you get as soon as the battle screen loaded (neutral caravan/1-2 players of level +/-2 of your own) and there's no going back from there
Good word "random"
I (DE 8) lose battle against Wete (W6).
Also, I lose battle against level 9.
Lose battle against level 6 and 8 at once (2 traped heroes).
I think it is balanced. Like regural battles you may win and you may lose.

IMO defender have little more chance to win then thief.
the problem with the battle is knowing where to place your troops, thieves will be able to hit you wherever you put your troops, but if you place yours in the wrong place it could destroy your chances
yep, navimegaman is absolutely right. if your melee troops reach the enemy within 1 turn (and you go first) you probably won already (especially if it's a stack of 70+ hobgoblins).
The greater problem is the very unbalanced distribution of caravans. i recently forgot to equip myself and still did beat the knight caravan easily, while i lost horribly to a recent elf caravan with 7 tree folk, 15 archers and almost 20 druids... with an expert enchanting hero casting stone skin and rapid on all the troops. too many HP with way too much def (tree folk had 44 def) for my fully equipped hero.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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