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Authorwizard troop arts
I'm looking for some help with wizard troop arts.

What is your experience with certain arts. I've tried defence on my golems (for solo hunting purpose) but never saw much difference.
Now as arts are quite expensive i would love to see some comments on what people like to use, before i start buying new ones.

If you rather not respond here but would like to help out a fellow wizard in becoming a better player..feel free to mail me in game.

Thanks in advance

It's best to wait to racial level 4 and buy double mini arts since that will help the most. I find +ini/hp to your magis are really good. With the extra ini you can go ahead of the elven bowmen and with the extra hps you tend to last a bit longer. Golems att/def is good. Gargoyles, I'm planning on doing att/def too but I think def/hp could also be good. Gremlins, hp for sure, and not sure what else.
i was thinking of
attack + ini/luck on golems
ini + luck/hp on magi's
attack + defence on gargs.
hp + attack on gremlins.

i think luck will do better on my golems as magi's will get targeted almost straight away. that's why i want to hear different views from wizards around..before i decide to make any arts
I'm not a wisard, but I can tell you that hp on mages is rather annoying, since 1 druid can't kill 1 mage with lightning.
Golems will always stay slow, and will get hit first ->defence?

Health is better on magi than ini in many fights (fist, lightning, rain of arrows, stone spikes). Later health + ini (if your army is mage based)

You will have to choose between gremlins and gargs. Gargs first defence, then HP.
Get gremlin engineers first if you go that route.

And you will need a huge amount of gold: double arties = double resource cost.
So start with single arties, and save.
yeah i was checking those double arties..

glad i saved up a bunch of wood and ore already.

Now i hear none of you about luck. Guess that's because it is random and not basic unit upgrades..

I'll go save up for my magi arts first.. glad i just do hunts and jobs for the time being anyway :)

thanks for all the advise up to know!
saving takes long :)
Luck is not needed on magis since they don't affect their spells. I think when we get to the triple minis then you can start adding luck and morale to the different units.

And what Shebali said the extra hps are great when you are fighting druids with lightning. In the past tournament there were several elves that were quite surprised that they couldn't kill my magi with lightning. :)
Well as long as i don't have the money to upgrade the gremlins and money for my artifacts i'll work with
23 gargs, 15 golems, 7 magi's

made 1x +5% ini / +3hp atri ...6 to go
anyone with more info?
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