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Authoridea for hunters guild
Welcome, brave hunter.
The Guild greets you and reminds that we track all your results. Remember, each level in our Guild increases your attack parameter.

Your achievements in hunt.
Best hunters throughout the Empire.
Best hunters of your combat level.
Best hunters of your level and faction.

You may also acquire the following hunting licenses:
Hunter license Master Hunter license
This license allows you to hunt 25% more often.
Price: 7,000
Period of validity:
7 days This license allows you to hunt 50% more often.
Price: 10
Period of validity:
30 days
Expiration date 08-10-08 05:52

how about 50% license 14,000 gold in game as i would pay for it as i am sure lots of players would to
It would actually have to be about 25,000 gold as the diamonds are worth 2,500 gold each. Since it costs 10 diamonds, that'd equate to 25,000 gold.
i'd still pay 25000 for a hunt 50% more often
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